Saturday, April 16, 2005

We need Someone to Cover Left Field...

Because that's where it's all coming from.

For real.

I can't go into it now, but my life has become a Dali painting.

Ashlee's in town. We are currently giggling.

I love her so much.

And we made out for-ever with the boys at the bar and closed that shit down, and in true Ashlee fashion, as we get into the cab she says,

"Let's go make out with more boys!"

Happy Happy Joy Joy.

Eric's in town, too. We can't decide who should make out with him. I vote Ashlee since she likes a lot of tongue.

"We'll go to a bar and you pick one and I'll take the rest."

It's that kind of ambition that I find impressive.

I did get pissed off because Julie told Sleazy about some random comment I made to her friend. Girlfriends don't tell shit to exes. I don't get it. I think it must have something to do with her obsession with Chris.

Attack Spring! Attack Carrie! Love ME!


It's the birthday celebration weekend, and I refuse to care anymore. All the Degenerates seem to want to believe the worst in me, and let them. I know who I am.

I'm going to go make out now.


At 11:37 AM, Blogger kss said...

whoa, abby. im in the same position. im so monogamous by nature that i kind of feel sick to my stomach right now. or maybe that is the pregnancy talking. ha! just kidding.
um, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARRIE! though i am planning to call you, so you can ignore this message.

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie! I'm just writing to say happy birthday! (I lost all the numbers in my cellphone; and I think I just called my old roommate and said "happy birthday Carrie" cuz she didn't have her name on her outgoing voicemail message (y'all have similar numbers).


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