From the Porn and Chocolate Book Club...
Also, the Where Ironic Comes to Die Book Club, which is an extension of the ikanread book club:
From Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs:
"There is something undeniably attractive about become a born-again Christian. I hear atheists say that all the time, although they inevitably make that suggestion in the most insulting way possible: Nothing offends me more than those who claim they wish they could become blindly religious because it would make 'everything so simple.' People who make that argument are trying to convince the world that they're somehow doomed by their own intelligence, and that they'd love to be as stupid as all the thoughtless automatons they condescendingly despise. This is not what I find appealing about the Born-Again Lifestyle. Personally, I think that become a born-again Christian would be really cool, at least for a while. It would sort of be like joining the Crips or the Mossad or Fugazi.
Every rational person will tell you that all the world's problems ultimately derive from disputes that are perceived by the warring parties as 'Us vs. Them.' That seems sensible, but I don't know if it's necessarily true; all my problems come from the opposite scenario. I was far more interesting--and probably smarter, in a way--when I refused to recognize the eixtence of the color gray in my black-and-white universe...But that's what happens whenver you start to understand that most things cannot be emotively understood: You're able to make better conversation over snifters of brandy, but you become an unfeeling idiot...
This is not a problem for the born again. there are no other subjects, really; nothing else--besides being born again--is even marginally important."
I choose this example because they are actually making this:

Yes, indeed, folks. Jesus Juice: The Wine. I personally always felt Jesus would make a fine Shiraz, myself.
You can read about it here.
Also, in the blow-your-mind category, is the revelation that good 'ole Scooter Libby (who really was just asking for a whole heap load of trouble letting people call him Scooter past the age of 12) wrote a porno book several years ago about a 10 year old girl who gets put in a cage with a bear who knows how to fuck women, because it will teach her to attach no feelings to her johns, hence becoming a better whore.
I am not making this up, kids.
These are the people that run this county. Talk about your family values. All Clinton wanted was a grown woman to put a cigar in her Naughty Bits. It's always the religious family value freaks who always wind up with pedophiliac porn books that involve bestiality. Every time. You should check out what Rush Limbaugh wrote when he was cracked out on Oxycontin.
Hint: You'll never look at your My Little Ponies the same way.
[actually, I totally just made that Limbaugh stuff up. I hope Fox News picks it up, anyway. But more likely The New York Post--which I only italicize because TECHNICALLY, it's a newspaper--though you're better off just using it for when you run out of toilet paper]
Oh, and YES, PLEASE:

I have never done it like this. This is something that needs to change. Preferably, with Jake Gylenhaal as well [that's from Jarhead--which now, I will be forced to go see].
Hot damn...
and speaking of hot sex, wanna see some hot Jake Gyllenhaal/Heath Ledger action? Two of my friends and I are planning a girls night to see that... would you be interested in attending?
Hells yeah, I'm interested! Two hotties for the price of one.
And I hear Jakey's the bottom.
No, silly, that's Jesus Jizz.
Totally different stuff. Though I imagine if he can do the whole water-into-wine-into-blood-back-to-wine, I imagine he can make his Man Juice taste more like Juicy Juice.
Which is totally why I have a crush on Jesus.
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