Everybody's Got Their Something
Spencer, cover your eyes.
Or whatever.
I had a lovely time with Swetus last night. It is an odd feeling, since I'm not used to:
1) actually dating
2) said "dates" not involving getting fucked up as part of the courtship process
I was happy to discover I can carry on conversation without mass consumption of substances. It's fun and light and he's very handsome and charming. I let him pay because he wanted to, we then walk around a bit. We decide to take this ski-lift type thing that goes from the 59th Street Bridge to Roosevelt Island. What's Roosevelt Island, you ask?

That's it. Sort of like Manhattan's vestigal tail. Or skinnier sister. Anyway, it's weird and there's this little lift that takes you there. The night was clear as we got carried across the East River and it was really quite lovely. We walked hand in hand down Roosevelt Island and paused near the edge of the water.
He leans in to kiss me.
"You realize that this is the part of Law and Order that the couple finds the dead body, right?"
He kisses me.
I start singing the Law and Order music. He laughs. He gets it.
He shows me the lab that he works in. As we look at these little slides of DNA and larvae and all such, I grab a lab coat and put it on. It's all very lab-like. I turn down the offer for goggles. Don't want to squish my hair.
He shows me a very lovely view that he can see while he's at work. He wraps his arms around me.
"You're so pretty."
"Oh, stop it."
"You are."
"No, YOU'RE pretty."
"Boys can't be pretty."
"Yes, they can."
"What boy is pretty?"
"Orlando Bloom is very pretty."
"Well, I'm no Orlando Bloom."
"Don't worry. Orlando Bloom isn't even Orlando Bloom pretty."
This exchange forces me to choke back the vomit of actually being this adorable with someone. We could take this act on the road, I'm telling ya.
He shows me the dark room. I realize that when he doesn't turn on the light behind us, something's up.
I guess because he's younger, I forget how strong he actually is. Now I know I'm not a big girl by any stretch of the imagination, but he picks me up like I'm a napkin. I wrap myself around him and kiss him. I laugh because when he holds my entire body up by one hand to reach my neck, he has to move my lab coat out of the way. I had joked that I was going to make him wear the lab coat, but as it turns out, I was the one in it.
The dark room proves too dark for me. I can't tell where anything is. I can't get my bearings, and him kissing me like that certainly doesn't help much, either. We go into another room.
"This is the table I eat lunch at everyday."
I jump up on the table and smile devilishly at him.
"Works for me."
Having completed all science experiments for the evening, he walks me back to the subway. Even though we're on the East Side and he lives on the West Side, he walks it everyday. He says it's how they do it in Sweden, even if it's cold. I say whatever allows him to have that body, then go to. Walk to the end of the Earth, then. I'm pretty sure based on my sampling, Swedes must be batshit insane.
I settle down in the subway and get out the iPod. Billie, always having a sense of irony, plays Ghostrunner first. I laugh like an idiot right there on the train. Oh, Billie, you crazy iPod bastard, you.
I curl up in my bed, not quite sure what I'm doing, but happy to be doing it all the same.
That was totally hot. I'm like, unable to control myself here. You know, you should be more PATRIOTIC, Americans are pretty fucking awesome too, you know.
3/30/2006 NEVER FORGET
I told you to cover your eyes, didn't I?
hee hee. i'm a little jealous.
I like how you call him Swetus. I think you're projecting some CLETUS into the mix here.
Well, most of the time I just call him Spencer.
I am the only one anonymous around here! I don't know who that bozo is.
3/31/2006 NEVER FORGET
anonymity revealed!
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