Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Bored. So Sue Me.

Yeah, I'm gonna do one of these to entertain myself.

1. First name: Carrie

2. Were you named after anyone? I don't think so, but I like to tell people I'm named after the Stephen King movie.

3. Do you wish on stars? sadly, yes. All the time.

4. When did you last cry? I started crying I was laughing so hard at hearing "All Cried Out" at the dollar store.

5. Do you like your handwriting? no, but I like my signature.

6. What is your favorite lunch meal? Who gives a crap about lunch? This is a stupid question. Breakfast is by far the better meal and we all know it.

7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Hell yeah, I put out.

8. (where is 8? Lauren BLAMEs POLE!)

9. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? yeah. I'm not known for being secretive. I have kept many a serious one to myself, but I don't consider who you slept with last weekend to count.

10. Do looks matter? Not if you're blind. Beyond that, whether you help it or not, your brain processes the human face in an appealing/not appealing way. I tell myself that to convince myself I'm not shallow.

11. How do you release anger? I'm not good at it. I clench my jaw. I have been known to burn things as well and on occasion throw shit across the room.

12. Where is your second home? NTI. The Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center makes me weak in the knees.

13. Do you trust others easily? I think so. Why? Do you know something I don't?

14. What was your favorite toy as a child? I don't know if it's a toy, but we had a pool and that was pretty kick-ass.

15. What class in school do you think was totally useless? Jesus. Texas History was pretty lame. My Economics class was a joke. And don't even get me started on Health. That was an experiment in time-suckage.

16. Do you have a journal? hmm...I have 3 blogs and a personal journal. I apparently cannot get enough of writing about myself.

17. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I was raised on love and sarcasm. Mostly sarcasm, though.

18. Favorite movie(s)? Ugh. Boring question. I'll go with Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It has stood the test of time to make me almost piss my pants laughing.

19. What are your nicknames? Technically, Carrie's my nickname, since my name is Caroline. I have also been called Care Bear, Carebs, Carb, Currrr [don't ask], The Short One

20. Would you bungee jump? I threw up just thinking about it.

21. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not if I can help it.

22. Do you think that you are strong? Metaphorically, yes. Physically, I can crush a man with my thighs but can't do a "real" push-up. So obviously, I need some balance with that.

23. What's your favourite ice cream flavour? Cold Stone's Sweet Cream. Oh my god, my mouth is actually watering thinking about it. This one weekend I swear to God it was all I ate.

24. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I talk way too fuckin' much. I wish I could be more alluring.

25. Who do you miss most? I miss the time where I didn't think about what I missed.

26. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? Whatever. Do it if you're as bored as I am.

27. What color pants are you wearing? Black. At work.

28. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? blood red

29. Last person you talked to on the phone? Jesus. I just looked in my phone to see, and not only did I not talk on the phone with a single person yesterday, but the last call in my phone was to Taco Today for delivery. So yeah, I talked to Taco Today.

30. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes.

31. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I just found this. I don't know the person.

32. How are you today? I'm hungry and cold. Boo.

33. Favorite drink? I'm really getting attached to Jack and Cokes.

34. Favorite sport? hockey and soccer

35. Hair Color? red

36. Do you wear contacts? yes

37. Favorite food? I'm a simple girl. You do something with chicken, I'll probably like it.

38. Last movie you watched? Oh God, the shame. G.I. Jane. But I would like to say that Devon had the remote on that one.

39. Favorite day of the year? Halloween bitches!!

40. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary Movie, as if you had to ask

41. Summer or winter? After being here a while, I think I'll go with summer.

42. Hugs or kisses? hugs.

43. What is your favorite dessert? pound cake is pretty awesome.

44. Who is most likely to respond? I dont know, who has time to kill at their job today?

45. Who is least likely to respond? everyone

46. Living arrangements? 3 roommates in a tiny ass Manhattan apartment.

47. What's on your mouse pad? my mouse, dumbass.

48. What did you watch last night on TV? House, The Daily Show

49. Favorite smell? dryer sheets.

50. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Depends on the album. But in general, I tend to lean toward the Beatles.

51. Do you believe in evolution or creationism? You're gonna make me think on the last question? I believe it doesn't really matter in the end. I'm here. You're here. I'm cool with that. And if I come back in my next life and we've evolved past needing hair and shit, then I'll know it's evolution. And if I die and I'm burning in Hell, chances are the Baptists were right.


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