Monday, April 18, 2005

Woman Fucked Violently in G Minor...

Don't ask. I couldn't begin to explain.

Saturday was a quest for the Paris Hilton porn and so the intentions started out innocently enough and wound up...

A German Shepherd fucking a woman and Woman Fucked Violently in G Minor.

With all that porn, it was bound to get debaucherous.

I haven't had that much fun on a weekend in I don't know how long.

Laughter. Love. Whiskey. Boys. Oh, the boys. But it's really not a birthday celebration weekend without constant hooking up with as many different people as you can manage. I managed two. One per night. Conservative, I know. But I'm an angel. What kind of girl do you think I am?

I love me some Ashlee. We certainly got silly enough. And I should note on Friday, I think we had a total of 5 drunken heart-to-hearts in the biker bar we went to (when our mouths weren't otherwise engaged), blocking the bathroom to the rest of the patrons. And yet, Ashlee peed twice in the street. And it seemed perfectly logical to me. We've never had to explain much of our behavior to each other. No need to start now.

And then we topped it all off with a weird Mexican breakfast and ended it by seeing Sin City. Which, just so you know, is quite possibly the coolest movie ever made. Seriously. It was like all those film noir movies that I love. Veronica Lake on Crack. AWESOME. I'm telling ya, go see it. And then see it again. On substances of your own choosing.

People I love. Warm Wishes. Much liquor. Much Love.

This might be one of my favorite birthdays to date.

23 ain't lookin' so bad, kids. If it's anything like 22, it's bound to be freakishly epic and hilariously tragic. Which is how I like my life. It's also how I like my coffee, but that's more of a story for my shrink.

[lays down on couch]

Ready for the psycho-analysis. And by that, I mean beer.


At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

third coast represent

At 11:37 PM, Blogger C said...



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