Thursday, May 12, 2005

After much delay...

Fuck this job. I'm writing on this anyway.

I can't read any more newspapers. I cannot read any more Cosmo. I'm tapped out.

There are many reasons why I should not read Cosmo. Pages and pages of sex talk does not help a girl with my kind of...appetite. I'm sitting at work and pondering how quickly I can get myself laid. It's bad. Crawling-out-of-my-skin-bad.

More importantly, it's a shitty magazine. I'm amazed at how, month after month, they still can claim "24983472 NEW ways to please your lover!" Seriously, kids. There's got to be a limit somewhere. Pretty soon, everything will be covered and one month, the magazine will just be completely blank.

Now, I'm all for new and interesting things when it comes to sex, sure. And once in a while, I pick up something from the magazine that I actually find useful in practical application.

But I think just to have something new to say, it's getting more and more ridiculous. Now it seems you can't have sex without a mini-fridge, a toolbox, and at least 10 electrical and battery operated devices. And while you can mix it up, I think sex is pretty great by itself. So enough with the goats, already.

This month they talked about how when a guy gives it to you, missionary-like, for him to scissor your legs in and out with each thrust. Not only does that sound ridiculous to me (though to be fair, most sex stuff is silly sounding when written or spoken about--best just to do). But the guy would have to have some serious multi-tasking skills to be able to pull this off without pulling your legs off. And maybe I'm sleeping with the wrong guys [insert joke here] but during sex is not the best time to demand too much of the man. If it's good, they can't recall their name, much less juggling your legs around while trying to get business done.

And that's what I have to say about that.

Oh yeah, couldn't do Alvin Ailey. Too broke and couldn't take off work.

I called to check in about the interview.

"He just stepped out. Can I get your number so he can call you back?"

No call back yet.

It's looking grim.

Hey Kristen, could your mom or you or someone recommend another firm I might send my resume to? I need a permanent job. BAD.

But for now, I'm going to learn how to use a brillo pad as a sexual device.

God, I hate my life sometimes.


At 5:15 PM, Blogger kss said...

back when i thought i might be moving to new york i applied to jobs i found on there were a fair number of openings in law firms.
cleary gottlieb ( is a really good firm that is looking for people with foreign language skills. maybe the russian could help you out there.

i just checked with fulbright in ny, and they have only one opening, and it is for a secretary with five years prev litigation experience. poo. that is annoying. sorry i cant be more helpful :( ill keep my eyes opened for more openings in that office and let you know if anything pops up.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger kss said...

actually now that i think about it--send me your resume. if i give it to HR, they'll keep it on file. they should give it some priority since you'd be recommended by someone within the firm. and ill talk you up and keep my fingers crossed.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger C said...

I'll email it to you tomorrow--work or personal email? Or does it matter?

At 10:30 AM, Blogger kss said...

either one would be fine--but it sounds like it isnt necessary anymore--CONGRATU-freakin-LATIONS!!!!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!


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