Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sure, I may not know the Girl, but Has that ever Stopped Me?

Holy crap. I still have an hour to go here at work (this job lasts until 5:30--Boo, I say. Boo!).

So I write again. My previous state of melancholy overshadowed that I actually have news to report.

But first--from Heather:


I have hated [oh we all know who but for the sake of my blog fears] since the early days when Abby gave me your old blog address. You guys had just broken up and I checked out his blog to read a super enchanting entry about how super awesome he was since he shagged some lame groupie of his lame-assed band.

I read it, I thought for a minute, and for the first time in my life I used the word "Prick."

I think that sums it up. Really I get all teary eyed and nostalgic just thinking about it.

This made me laugh out loud on multiple levels. Mainly because I know Heather is probably in general horrified by the things I recount in this here blog o' mine. I don't know Heather at all, only what Abby has told me about her, but the key point which makes that last bit funny is that she's Mormon and probably risked damning her soul just to curse him. Thanks Heather, not that I have any standing with God, but if he holds it against you, I got your back. Chicks before dicks. Or something. Whatever.

Oh yeah, so actual news (not borne of maudlin elevator rides):

--Daniel's play got accepted into the Fringe Festival. So it goes up this summer, and we're psyched about it (I'm gonna fight for a better costume). It will be good publicity for the company, for Daniel's play, and for us lowly players.

--We have our seated reading with a producer tonight. Hopefully I can run home from this place and shower before going out to Brooklyn to do it. Although my character could be seen as grungy, I would prefer not to be.

--The name of the boy........ooo....I'm not ready to disclose names. Like I said, I'll hold off until the anvil drops and I can report on the matter in my usual smart-ass way. But he's cute and funny and NOT in a band.

So this is what I'm saying about how I have no right to be as sad as I feel (though to be fair, researching goofy stuff and Heather's comment and whatnot have perked me up a bit).

And just so Abby doesn't think she can steal my thunder:

That would be a good thing for them to carve on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment.
--Dorothy Parker

Shit. 50 minutes. Holy Hell. Will this day never fuckin' end?

[and in four sentences, Heather, I've out-cursed you. Maybe I shouldn't try to put in a good word for you with God. He could hold it against you.]


At 5:50 PM, Blogger Heather said...

I'm glad that you liked my thoughts.

And I didn't say that it was the first time I had ever cursed, its just that was the first time I actually found an appropriate use for that particular gem. Most mormon boys are too harmless to warrant that sort of language.

As for my relationship with God, I wouldn't worry. I do lots of little things like buying your impoverished sister lunch and forgoing all sexual gratification until marriage to make up for the occasional slip up.

At least, thats what I'm counting on.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger C said...

I didn't think it was the first time you cursed. That would be shocking. Just thought it was nice you did it in my honor.

You make Abby sound like a starving Eithiopian child...

"For ten cents a day, you too, can help this poor little law student get closer to her dream of eating a Hot Pocket."


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