Friday, April 22, 2005

We Travel Without Seatbelts On...

Dude. Ok. So I'll share a PG moment and then I'll go elsewhere.

I babysat again yesterday and had a very pleasant moment with Max, their 15 year old son. Sweet, smart, and awkward teen, but he happens to be blessed with an excellent taste in music. We started talking after I made dinner about the Garden State soundtrack and how much we love it.

Then on to a discussion of Interpol, the Killers, and Zero 7. So I offered a suggestion. I told him about the Decemberists.

I love sharing music. My own musical taste is very much shaped by the people I love, especially my sisters. Music, if you're not about to have kids anytime soon, is a good thing to pass on to the younger generation. It is Music Evolution. It warms my heart that I finally got to do it.

Then I had a creepy moment of realizing that (until Mon when I turned 23) I was 22 and he was 15, which is the exact age difference between me and Aaron when we got together. A creepy shudder of doom ran down my body. What a pervert he was. Max is a good kid, but he's a kid. It was very disconcerting and disturbing.

And now for something completely different...

I get home and Conor is passed out and Keleen is up waiting for me (Dirty Thursday and all). We grab our drinks and other supplies and go into the other room to let our man-angels sleep, where we proceed to discuss, go figure, boys. And sex. And sex with boys (and she was curious about my sex with a girl as well).

"I didn't know you were so kinky, Carrie! You look so innocent!"

That's how I get them, my dear. I didn't know, either. I don't see anything I've done as particularly kinky. Perhaps my standards for kinky are different from hers. Me? I don't think it's kinky unless there's a goat involved. Or blood-letting. Does biting until breaking skin count? I wouldn't necessarily think so, more like extreme enthusiasm, but all the same...

There I go. Focus, damnit.

She went to a sex toy party (her version of kinky) and she told me how the woman hosting it gave her a q-tip with this lotion you're supposed to put on your "twat" (Keleen won 1000 cool points for use of the word "twat," since that is currently my favorite term for the female anatomy).

"Oh my God, Carrie! I can't even describe it! You put it on and suddenly there's tingling fire all through your body...You cross your legs and you're like, 'Oh my God my Jeejer! [ed note: Jeejer? Hi-larious]'"

Long story short...

I just ordered some.


Off to take of the children now!


At 5:47 PM, Blogger kss said...

ha the question we all want answered

At 1:41 AM, Blogger C said... love motion #9


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