Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rub a Dub-dub, Ho Hum, Hi-Ho...

I have a head set at this reception job. I am in a suit.

I wonder if being a stripper feels this dirty.

I bet it does.

Why can't someone pay me to just recommend good tv to them?

I could do that.

It would be enjoyable.

Ah well. I go straight from here to more babysitting.

Murray (the kid I babysit for) is so cute. I really like this family. They're liberal and smart and as far as I can tell, not fucking up their children beyond repair (they have a 15 year old son, too, but I don't help him bathe). He does this really cute thing where he loves my British accent, but doesn't want to ask me to do it. So we were putting together this puzzle (he's a very smart kid) and he'll just look at me and go--

"You'd better not do that funny voice again."

Which is my cue to do the funny voice again. And then he'll giggle and roll around on the floor.

I had to do bath time last night. In all my years of babysitting, this was actually the first time I had to do bath time with a boy. A vast majority of the families I used to babysit for had girls. Now it's all boys. It was a little awkward. Funny, too, because I had him wash himself "down there" but I washed the rest of him, which doesn't allow for a lot of modesty. But then when I got him a towel to get out, he said--

"Turn around. I don't want you to see my privates."

Dude, did you think the water was opaque? Of course I saw them. Nice Jewish family.


More pressing matters. Where am I going to eat?

Hot dogs are definitely out.


At 3:11 PM, Blogger kss said...

hee hee noncircumcised peepees confuse me
and delight me!
though not currently
meaning right this second

At 3:22 PM, Blogger C said...

You're not looking at noncircumcised penis right now?

I really don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't circumcised. I'd probably scream and run away, which is really mature.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger kss said...

seriously, though
the one time i was faced with it the fellow was quite patient and explained everything and then everything was fine and dandy. i dont see why people circumcise in the first place! circumcise schmircumcise.
so hott

At 4:19 PM, Blogger C said...

Are you serious? I think they would be more difficult to, uh, handled.

But then I wouldn't know.

I still think I'd run screaming from the room or do something equally offensive like looking at it and going,

"What the hell is that?

And then he'd cry and I'd start laughing.


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