Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You...

Every once in a while, when a bird is not shitting on you, the universe will cut you some slack.

There was gonna be no way that I made rent this month.

None. The temp agency hasn't be sending me out enough.

And then one of my families called and needs me to babysit every night for a week for 5 or 6 hours. That's $75-90 a night. Thank God.

Still wasn't sure if I'd make rent. Yup. It's that bad.

A lifesaver is held out to me.

A lifesaver that is our federal government.

Thank you, tax rebate check. You've got a very grateful citizen in me.

Didn't think I'd ever think that.


I like when people don't call on my birthday. Because then they call later. And "Happy Belated Birthday" is sometimes even better to me. Because then it's about celebrating me on a day that I wasn't born. I could've just as easily popped out into the world yesterday, or today, or next week.

So keep the love coming.

Last night, at about 1am, I got a belated birthday call and a drunk dial all in one. It's been a while since I've gotten a drunk dial that wasn't my sister. So that made me smile into my pillow. I was initially grumpy about it, and then I thought about all of them that I had woken up, and I figured it was karma, and that made it pretty fair to me.


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