Thursday, April 28, 2005

And the Band Played On...

There's debate on whether the IM conversation was funny or not. I'm leaving it because it still makes me chuckle and it's all about ME ME ME!

I took Keleen to see the Big Fat Reds (my friend Eric's band--no, not that one) and we had a funk-tastic good time.

After being around a 7 year old (fabulous as he is) for such an excessive amount of time, it was nice to be around adults. Granted, we are all adults that act like 7 year olds, but at least with these kids, I can drink whiskey.

Keleen got the lead singers mixed up and thought that I had slept with Eric.

"No, not that one. The one behind you."

"Ooooooooooohhhhhh, now I get it. He's cute. Good for you."

Well, I do what I can.

We leaned into each other at the bar for a brief but sordid history. Walking into these situations with this crew is like walking into a Chekhov play. There's a lot of backstory and subtext to understand why everyone is the way that they are.

"I love them!"

Just like whiskey, they're intoxicating.

It was fun to let loose and dance. It was fun to be the kid. It was just fun, and I was in some serious need of it.

I don't have anything else to say right now. Hmph. Today is going to be a long day, I can feel it.


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