Feel Good, Inc
Works is insane and it made me grumpy all day.
So here are some things that make me happy:
--Marina's in town!!! Yip yip. She is. On the firm's dollar. I'm spending some quality girly time with her and staying the night in the fancy schmancy hotel they put her up in. Sweeeeeeet. We are so in the hot tub it's not even FUNNY. Or, it could be very funny, once we take into account how freaking pale we are. People are going to stay away from the hot tub because they will think the hot tub is haunted.
"Those ghosts smell like booze. Is that normal?"
--Panda Cam. Most people who read this also talk to me in real life and know my love and obsession with panda cam. I call it: Meditation in the Key of Panda. When the grumpy things happen, as they did often today, I turn to Panda Cam to soothe me. Being a panda seems like it would be awesome. Just eating bamboo, sleeping, waddling around and just being adorable. Not a bad existence. Not too shabby at all.
--Our Staten Island Gods. Blythe and I have added:
Boredes--[bor-E-dees]--the god of being bored at work. This is a god we know well.
Wrathodite--[wrath-o-DIE-tee]--the goddess of the RAGE. Wrathodite and I were one today with all the work shenanigans
Shameus--[either sha-ME-us or SHAME-us]--goddess of the Walk of Shame and all other shame-related activities. I imagine this might be how she presents herself. Just imagine that when she looks up, her makeup is something VERY scary, indeed:

Not directly related to our gods, but while looking for images for Shameus, I came across this article and I think it's swell.
Well, that's it for now. Duty calls. Doodie.
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