Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Leftovers From My Brain

1--I just sighed and then said "Oh, sigh." ????

2--Carrie's tip for Surviving Summer: Stay inside.

3--If you are a homeless dude, and you typically stick to the same subway line to do your panhandling, having several new shirts may not endear you to frequent riders. Also, I won't give you money just because you yell "I need money." Me too, and it doesn't work for me when I yell it. Now, those kids that dance or even if you play a crappy kazoo, I at least feel ok about giving you money because you are providing a service. A service someone somewhere would pay for. Except for crappy beat poets. I just can't give you money for rhyming "It's not Hollywood/It's the hood" [copyright 2006--some dude on the R train]. I just can't, maybe someone else can.

4--Hm, on the note of homeless rants [and I suppose I'm going straight to Hell for...well, a multitude of reasons, but knocking the homeless must be high on the list--you gotta understand, in New York, like any other major city, it is a constant bombardment--if I gave money to everyone, then I'D have to panhandle as well--it's a vicious circle and I believe there are rules to this game] But there's been this new trend for people to approach you with notecards that ask you for money, in case you are reading or listening to your iPod. I guess they're trying to be considerate, but to me, this is a clear indication that I don't want to be bothered! So handing a card to me is just a waste of paper, because now I doubly resent the intrusion.

5--In case you had forgotten in the past two seconds, it's hot. And yes, it is hotter in Texas. But Texas has everything A/Ced. New York? Not so much. The subway is virtually unbearable midday. So I'll refer you to #2. Stay home.

6--Spencer and I found the Holy Grail of New York real estate. A rent-stabilized apartment. I'm pretty sure the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus lived there originally, but needed more space so the Tooth Fairy could move in. Now it's just time for another hellish move and all will be right in the world.

7--Swetus is on his way here to visit with me while I have to wait for work. Who knows how long of a night it will be here, but I really think my firm should consider those of us who get most of our work in the evenings to be considered the Night Shift and allowed to come in at like 3pm. Night-crawler paralegals are soooooo going to be in next season.

8--On that note, yup, still love him. His feet twitch in his sleep.

9--Cheese will make the Apocalypse easier to swallow. Someone let Hezbollah know.

Blargh. Stupid Tuesdays.

Carry on.


At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SoCal has no a/c either. I feel your pain.


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