I believe in Tinkerbell.
This weekend was Gay Pride weekend in New York. I find it sad that we still have to have it, though I imagine even if gay rights were completely equal, they'd still love to have a parade. Because Whee! Fun!
My original thought was to go to the parade with my roomie Devon. But it was grey and rainy and while Devon still made it out, I was curled up with Swetus and I figured the gays would understand if I didn't want to mess up my hair with the rain. I raised one fist in righteousness and said as Devon left the apartment:
"Go gay or go home!"
And that's the best I could do. My gays know I love them.
The weird thing to me is how homophobia is still treated. I mean, to me, it seems just as irrational a fear as agoraphobia or arachnaphobia or those people who are afraid of beds. Because I think any person who knows and is close to someone who is gay can't possible be afraid of them. Not even Dick Cheney can be, well, a dick about it because his daughter is a lesbian and I suppose contrary to popular belief, he has a heart that can feel something. You know, other than a thirst for baby's blood and puppy slaughter. And if Dick Cheney can support gay marriage, I don't think anyone else has the right to be all, "ooh...the gays are ruining America!"
The gays? Really? Have you people never seen Paris Hilton? She is, by far, the person trying to bring down America, at least in public image. Or she's a glaring example of what's wrong with America. Really, I don't know how she fits into my argument, if I even had one, but when talking about what's wrong with America, I just have to fit her in somewhere. That girl needs to be taken out back and beaten. Perhaps it'll make BOTH her eyes wonky.
I mean, look at that. It's pretty clear she already got beaten with the ugly stick, but my sympathy wanes for her on that front when she goes kicking people out of their homes just so she can tinkle.
My thought is that if you are afraid of gays, you are either gay yourself or you've let your fear and hatred win out over actually talking to someone about their life and seeing what it's about. We should treat it like any other fear: you know, go on the Tyra Banks show and while other people have spiders or snakes or cats brought out to confront their fear, you get the draggiest drag queen in the world prance out and throw glitter in your face.
See? That wasn't so bad. And there's only a 50% chance that it turned you gay. Gay glitter does have some powerful properties.
Anyhoo, makes me think. Go gay or go home!

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