Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Ode to Keifer Sutherland/Jack Bauer

The Season Finale was so awesome. I might have crushed Swetus' hand in the process. Don't worry, Spencer, I won't give anything away.

But Cityrag found all these great links to Kiefer/Jack type stuff. The thing I love most about Jack Bauer is that he is the most together individual in the world. There's nothing he can't do. He can get out of any situation. He's a far more lethal MacGuyver (I mean, he's killed 4 people with his THIGHS, people. Come on!). And Keifer Sutherland is the most fucked up, amazing and amusingly adorable drunk in the world. It's like two sides of a coin, or Dr. Badass and Mr. Drunk.


Things Jack Bauer wouldn't say (College Humor)

Keifer Sutherland teaches a Christmas Tree a Lesson (Defamer)

Jack Bauer Kill Count (This one I found and I love it because it tells you how he did it, too--when am I ever going to get the chance to kill a man with a Bic pen???)

Keifer Sutherland's Burlesque Ambition (Amy's Robot)

WWJBD? [What Would Jack Bauer Do?] (Top 100 Facts)

That should entertain everyone. Everyone wins when Jack Bauer is on the case, and you head out for a drink with Keifer Sutherland.


Well, I'll be away for the rest of the week. My sister is graduating law school and I'm heading out to San Diego, so I plan on only doing the following:

--cheering for her
--sitting on a beach
--possibly self-medicating cuz the whole fam's gonna be there. There is always the possibility of bloodshed.

Much love and Happy Memorial Day folks! And what better way to celebrate than NOT being able to remember what you did? It's all about Drunken Plausible Deniability.


Jack Bauer's Friendster Profile (McSweeneys)


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