Going Back to Cali
First, what has consumed me most of today [not wanting to recount the whole horror, I steal this from the email I sent Marina]:
"So, Angie's out sick today and for some reason, [Boss] thought that Robert and I weren't on the distribution lists for [Confidential Info] so she kept forwarding us the emails that we already got and I finally got the nerve to tell her we didn't need them, we already had them and then right after, I ran into her in the bathroom. We were discussing if there were any lists that we weren't on that I needed to be on and it was all really professional and stuff and we were walking back to our areas and just as I turned to go into the para room, I felt a little draft. All this professionalism? Happened while I had TUCKED MY SKIRT INTO MY PANTIES!!!
[Boss] didn't notice but I am still dying of shame."
Yeah, I am the hugest nerd in all the world.
Part 2: Cute Overload
Sorry. I'm trying to keep my mind on track but then it's all...PANTIES. We've made it the Word of the Day.
Hopefully, I can use up this film on the camera I bought and post pictures, but it should be noted that mine and Abby's mani/pedis turned out fabulous. They have little flowers on the big toe with a fucking JEWEL on them. Bling bling!
But basically, it goes like this:
After a lovely day at the beach when Amy arrived [boogie boarding is so much fun and I don't care that it's "Surfing for Lame-O's"], the first Faction of Parents came into town (Mom and Gary--the Kingwood Battallion). The next morning, early as we could, we headed off to the San Diego Zoo.
If you read this blog regularly, you know where I'm headed.
When things were really bad for me here after the bet, and I hate myself and I wanted to erase my existence from the world [DRAMA ALERT!], nothing really made me very happy. Somehow in the course of the development of my friendship with Sharon, we were comment-happy with each other on LiveJournal. I keep trying to find the entry, but alas, there are far too many. But basically, to cheer me up, she posted a picture of a cute little kitten that was photoshopped to do "Jazz Hands." And it was the first time I laughed in a really long time. And cemented my idea a little more that in many ways, Sharon and I are kindred spirits. Cynical to a degree, but give us a kitten doing jazz hands and all is right with the world.
And thus began my obsession with all things cute and fuzzy. When everything was shit in my world, when I felt everything was corrupted and nothing was good or pure or untainted [and when you live in New York, it's even easier to think so--the proof is all around you. Makes it interesting or depressing, depending on your outlook that day], the one thing that still seemed truly innocent were animals. And cute ones at that. The fuzzier, the better.
And as you know, I became a bit enamored with Panda Cam.
And Panda Cam is from the San Diego Zoo.
Throw on top of that Koalas, Polar Bears, Alaskan Brown Bears, and a LION, and I was just about the happiest little camper in the world. Swetus and I tried to coordinate to where he could actually SEE me on Panda Cam, but it was not meant to be.
As if I couldn't handle any more cute, we went down to the beach again to look at the harbor seals. April was birthing month for them, so there was a whole fresh batch of baby seals that melted my wee heart. When I told Swetus that we were going to see them, he asked if it was BYOC [Bring Your Own Club]. Ha ha. Bastard. I love him so. I don't think I've ever posted a baby seal picture here, so here it goes, it'll make me feel like I've written more.

Anyway, it was a lovely and we had a very nice time looking at all the sweet things in the world. Kinda made it full circle, since I clung to all these cute things as a way to deal with my own pain--being able to see them all when the dust finally settled [and by "them all" I realize I mean both the cute animals I adore AND my family].
The next installment in this series will involve how my sister almost missed her own damn law school graduation that we all came out for. That silly girl.
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