Friday, February 04, 2005

Could you stop being so divine?

Yesterday, about halfway through work, I realize I have no desire to go back to my apartment. Hmmmm...need a partner in crime...

Of course. Daniel.

We decide to do Happy Hour (and by doing it on a Thursday, the chances are better that this Happy Hour won't end up like the last one I did).

But he gets called into work and gets stuck in traffic. I come over anyway and hang out with Ryan. He's an odd character, that one is. Seemingly boyish and shy, but last night I kept seeing a different side of him.

Much more sinister-ish. While still being a little angel. If that makes sense at all. Which is probably doesn't.

When Daniel arrives home, we realize the best way to treat Rush Hour is to smoke pot. And a lot of it. Ryan even joins in (I have a feeling that this just enhanced his already strange mood) and Ryan never smokes. He takes a big hit and coughs out the cherry along with the smoke.

I then proceed to get the Munchies, the likes of which haven't been seen since my early days of smoking. If there is food at all in front of me, I am eating it. It's like I temporarily became a goat. I think I even started eating my sweater, and then Daniel's and then Ryan's.

Stuff I consumed:
-2 spicy tuna rolls (the fact that I even ate fish should say something to the people who know me about how high I was)
-chips and salsa
-spaghetti with marinara sauce and a shitload of mozzarella cheese
-pita bread and hummus
-chocolate ice cream

Now that I type it, it doesn't seem like too much, except for the fact that there was food entering my mouth for a good hour straight.

And then we finally make it to the bar. Way past Happy Hour. Which is probably best in the end. Ashlee calls me on the way. [sad little whimper] I feel like there was something I needed to tell her, but I am far too gone at this point to even be able to spell my name, much less form coherent thought.

This is the funny thing about me smoking again. I used to have such a tolerance that it really is like being 17 again. I think it's hilarious. Kid in a candy store, I am.

I come home and there's a man in my bed.

Hmph. Didn't know I ordered one.

Just Conor. He drank my beer. Bad Conor.

He made it into a theatre troupe and is having problems with Amanda. Par for the course, but I'm very happy for him for the first part of that last sentence.

I show him the email that Justin sent me. His response?

"I know I'm in danger of doing it, but if I ever turn out like that please shoot me."

Funny the different perspectives on the same thing.

All that food in my tummy made me drop like a lead ball into my bed. Before doing so, Conor gives me another one of those hugs he does where he pops my back all the way down. It feels fabulous, I must say.

I'm supposed to go clubbing tonight. Time for me to climb up on a bar and dance like a ho, methinks. It's been far too long. I haven't been dancing since I've been to NYC. Odd.

Garden State Soundtrack Lyric of the Day:

Too low to find my way
Too high to wonder why

Did you notify my way
To hide a wonder why
I've touched this place before,
So we're in another time
Now I can hear the sound
The clouds drifting through the bridge
A half a million thoughts
Are flowing through my mind

There you go. I may tinker with the whole pictures thing later on today, right now I shouldn't be diong this. There's a lot of work today. But I don't know where everyone went. Maybe they went to lunch or something. I don't know. It's strange.


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