Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Coat your stomach, soothe your Soul...

Yeah, so all of those entries from the Weekend that Was were pretty epic, so I'll keep today fairly brief.

Mainly, because nothing exciting is happening. Though I still feel like something is in the works.

I fell in love with LL Cool J as a guest judge on American Idol.

I became very sad that something is messed up with our oven and I couldn't bake my potato. I don't trust microwaves and I have no skills beyond baking a potato so I had resigned myself to drinking dinner.

But then Devon took pity on me and cooked me papas y huevos (take a flashback to high school Spanish, shall we?). And I had been feeling like maybe going out or something, but then all the grease and carbs from that made me comatose. I couldn't even last all the way through Queer Eye.

Remember the Never-Ending Beer Bodega? Apparently, they went 3-to-1. Junebug shared that info last night looking for drinking buddies. I think those boys cleared them out, since Bug mentioned that the bodega is now out of beer. I can only imagine their fridge.

I wished we had gotten in on that action before the Great Beer Shortage.

Garden State Soundtrack Lyric of the day:

they will see us waving from such great
heights, "come down now," they'll say
but everything looks perfect from far away,
"come down now," but we'll stay...

I thought of that because I had a dream I was riding the London Eye. I've never actually gotten around to doing that while I'm in London. I wonder how accurate it was. I really want to go to London again. Maybe because it was Queer Eye for the British Guy. Maybe the Homeland is calling me. Maybe...Maybe...

Perspective is a funny thing.


At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

doesn't it get a little chaotic maintaining 2 blogs? I mean, I have to check 2 places to fill in everything about your life...I guess I love you enough to do that.
BTW- why did you start posting on LJ again?

At 9:24 AM, Blogger C said...

I started posting on LiveJournal again cuz I missed those kids, but not enough to point them in the direction of this blog.

This is my blog for you guys. And I have a blog for them. And I'm crazy and have two different personalities that aren't aware that each one has a blog.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger kss said...

i have two blogs, too
i want them to serve slightly different purposes, but i haven't quite worked out what. i guess different blogs for different personalities works... for now i think my blogspot one is pretty, so ive been sticking to it

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I like all the pictures you have on yours.



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