Monday, January 24, 2005

Dying is easy it's living that scares me to death...

That's an Annie Lenox lyric, so don't worry, this isn't a maudlin entry.

I'm high. And it's fabulous.

It's like my Prozac. Amelia was telling me I was drinking too much, and I agree, and so I did what any wayward true pothead does.

I put down the whiskey and picked up our makeshift bong.

People are all addicted to something. I think pot smoking is one of the least harmful. Fame or Fortune being the most.

Whiskey Carrie died when the mugger attacked. Or soon thereafter.

Weed Carrie has a far more exciting time. She cleaned the apartment and laughed while cleaning the dishes because she noticed we only have 2 drinking glasses but we have 9 shot glasses. I don't think we've ever even used those. Maybe once or twice, but we drink beer mostly in the apartment. So of course, it would have to be the most prolific dishware we have.

She danced around the apartment and laughed when she went into the bathroom and lifted up the toilet seat, like, I don't know, she had a penis.

I don't think Weed Carrie has a penis. At least let's hope not.

I'm listening to my Sucks to your Ass-mar CD and washing dishes and loving every song on the whole damn CD.

Whiskey Carrie cries a lot. And pouts. Weed Carrie makes a face that looks like she's going to pounce on you at any second. And you don't know if it's cute or terrifying.

Whiskey Carrie throws things. Weed Carrie stretches.

Whiskey Carrie sleeps with people she shouldn't. Habitually. Weed Carrie busts our her vibrator.

Boo Whiskey Carrie. Welcome back, Weed Carrie.

This is my journal to the world that sometimes writes to me.

Go out and seek your truth.

That's an Alice in Chains lyric.


At 10:19 AM, Blogger kss said...

welcome back, weed carrie! im glad you sound happier. i guess we all can figure out what my addiction is with little though...
it isnt too harmful now, though i can picture myself accidentally flattening pets in the future.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger C said...

I fantasize about you flattening pets.

And I fixed my comments page,so now EVERYONE can write on here.

VELCUM (that's how Dracula says it)

At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you like my CD. I'm even more glad I can comment now.
OK, back to court- this new job has a LOT more court time and a LOT less break time.
Love you.


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