Tuesday, January 18, 2005

MacDonald's and dinos and Grossy McGrosserson...

So I blew off my last day a M*A*C so I could have a full day of babysitting at $15/hr tax free and I do it again tomorrow, which ends up being a full week at Core Staffing for only two days. So I'll probably never get sent out again because it seems flaky, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Babysitting is a million times more palatable than data entry, that's 'fo sho.

It's nice to play like a child. It was an innocent day. I'm really good with kids, probably because I am such a kid myself. But I'm really good with this 7 year old boy demographic because they enjoy my sarcasm and I like coming up with weird sports. "Carrie, I just farted!" "What, you want an award or something?" [laughter abounds] This kid is really cute and pretty smart and 10 hours went by like nothing. And tomorrow we even have a playdate, which gives me a break in focus. So it's good. I think.

Still doesn't mean I want a kid. There's nothing better than when Mommy comes home and I pass them off. Good luck. He just had a soda. I'm going home to drink a really really BIG beer and watch Queer Eye. Which isn't in the guidebook for Modern Parents Magazine.

So yeah. Easy day, easy money, doing it again tomorrow. Now I really must attend to my beer and my gays.


At 3:22 AM, Blogger p'La said...

great comments...but, You want an award or something Caroline? Just kidding,
if I had one, I'd give you a beer or a gay at the very ,least.
thanks for the laugh!

At 6:55 PM, Blogger kss said...

amy had been called drunky mcdrunkerson not two hours before reading the title of this blog. tee hee


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