Tuesday, January 11, 2005

so this is how I left it...

I'm done with passive aggression. I emailed him. This is what I said:

just wanted to clarify--

i wasn't writing about you. the dream was one i had about you, but i was just writing to write and you weren't actually the topic. i thought i'd have a little fun since secret livejournals are the new black this season. and you can choose to believe that or not.

and i'm not going to read your new journal anymore. it just makes me not like you very much and i don't like that, either. so go to. and you can choose to believe that or not.

just wanted to make my case so that our silence wasn't too bitter or cold.


Yeah, the story was kind of about him, but not really. So yeah. Don't talk to him. I know. But I don't like ending things on weird notes, and this way I at least feel better about it. Now I can hate him in peace.

Was it wise? Nothing I do seems to be, but we'll see.


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