Friday, January 21, 2005

You ever spend a Thursday night...on WEED??

Conor came over last night and promptly proceeded to get me and Devon extremely stoned. It's been almost a month since I last smoked, methinks, or at least it's felt like eternity. So I felt like I was in high school again.

I couldn't write. My hands wouldn't function. And Conor said a really funny quote and I couldn't get my fingers to wrap around the pen. A phenomenon that I found hilarious.

Here's the quote to the best of my ability. We were talking about how Conor and Paige (his high school girlfriend) had songs for each other:

"And she's all, 'That's so perfect. Because I'm the perfect drug for you and you're the perfect love for me. It's so perfect because it, like, describes our personalities.' and I'm all, 'That's great. That's fine. We're 15. Can we have sex now?"

Awww, puppy love.

I also was very antsy. I had to get up and dance just to work off some of the energy. I haven't had the urge like that since I took x at my graduation party. I love the youthful re-introduction of drugs in my life. If I stopped drinking, I could use my booze money to go towards pot. I'm begging to become a stoner again and not a drunk.

I laughed so hard. Conor and I fondly remembered our Arkansas trip and how awful we used to be to each other. I summed it up right:

"You were passive-agressive with me and I was just aggressive with you."

And two of our dear friends from high school got engaged last night. Jon Wilson called to tell Conor he was proposing that night. I made sure I was going to be invited to the wedding. I recall many a night spent on Conor's porch with Ms. Kaela where I advised her about Jon (at the time they were having a weird hook-up thing and Jon was being a bitch). But, like all strange twists in fate, Jon actually got his head out of his ass (a one in a million occurence when it comes to the menfolk) and they fell in love. And now they're engaged and I'm honestly really happy for them. I'm amazed. No resentment or jealousy. Maybe because I saw how much of an epic struggle it was for them to get there. But my heart beamed and the room was filled with joy.

And that call came before all the weed so I know it was genuine.

Maybe I'll do laundry today. Maybe I'll just sleep. I'm going gay-clubbing tonight with Devon and his epic-ex Jason. I need to start leaving the apartment more, now that I'm finally feeling something closer to human and further from lichen. Maybe I'll even make out with a gay man. That's always fun. But he'd better be really cute.

A good night, 'twas. A healing night. I woke up not wanting to just crawl back into bed and never leave. The Hermit is coming out of her shell. Which is a good thing, I think.


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