Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Money makes the world go 'round...

So yeah, I posted again on LiveJournal. But, to be fair, being offered whiskey by a street vendor is one of those things only the LiveJournalers could appreciate if they did.

And yeah, I'm working on Wall Street now for the New York Stock Exchange. You can't get any more of "The Man" than that. But I'm in the Enforcement Division where we bust all the bad traders. Bad trader, bad. No more prostitutes for you. Go to bed.

I have two badges. I get to pass all the Asian tourists posing in front of the building and say, "Excuse me, I work here. Out of my way, bitches." And then I have them deported by telling the security guard that they hate America.

I look awful in both pictures. I need to find a place to get my contacts refilled. Jesus. When am I going to do that? Where? Why? Wait, What?

This place is like a catacomb. Or a honeycomb. But less sticky. And it's a long-term gig so we'll see how it goes. Right now, everyone has left for a meeting so I'm like "yea! Now I can post on my REAL blog!" Or I guess, if I was feeling naughty, I could sneak out. But that's much more like Whiskey Carrie, and I told you, she died.

And I'm eating a chocolate donut. Life can't be all that bad, right?


My boss looks like a school marm-y version of the hot chick (not Denise Richards) from Starship Troopers. I bet she has cats. And she sometimes does that funny walk where someone hunches over like a cartoon character and scurries with her elbows out and close to her chest. I'm pretty sure she wants to sleep with Steve, an analyst here. She playfully smacked him with her ID card and I saw the lust in her eyes.

That's what I enjoy about temping. I go around, and it's almost like going to see a play. Unless the play that you are seeing starts at the beginning of time, you're being introduced into a world already in progress. Office politics, flirtations, aggravations, and all the hoo-la in between. And I just sit back and watch it unfold and try to figure out where my part is in all this.

As David Jaffe used to say about when you highlight your lines in a script (he didn't allow us to do it):

"What it does is, you move through [the script] and go, 'bullshit bullshit bullshit--MY LINE--bullshit bullshit."

I actually don't know where that fits into my analogy, but it's one of my favorite David Jaffe quotes.

I schmoozed more with people here than at any other of my assignments. I don't know. Something about working on Wall Street makes me feel like I should be wheelin' and dealin'. Even though I'm just doing more data entry. Do they elevate temps to traders? Probably not. And I'm positive I would not only suck at it, but hate it as well. Money is the bane of my existence. For REAL.

Oooo, they're back from the meeting. Must look productive.


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, speaking of wheeling and dealing- I watched boileroom. I think that's the name of it. Whatever one has Ben Affleck and Giovanni Ribisi. Didn't see it? Don't worry- it sucked as much as any half-brained person could have predicted.
However, I guess now I can't embezzle tons of money and spend it on 10 year old prostitutes since my little sister might hear about it. Oh wait. I probably shouldn't have said that. I mean, what prostitutes? I have no idea what you are talking about. What? Of course I've never been to Thailand...really...

At 9:54 AM, Blogger C said...

I did watch Boiler Room. It came into Blockbuster while I was working there and I was all, hey, free movies.

And yes, it totally sucked. Sucked mucho mucho. Did you see a pre-famous Van Diesel? Cuz I did.

At 3:21 PM, Blogger kss said...

is there a movie about being a temp observing a world (and then, multiple worlds, as temp moves from job to job) already in progress? that framework could produce a really good movie/story. maybe its already been done... a little imdb research will take place later on today. ill get back to you.


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