Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Pardon my hairy palms...

From the book I'm reading, The Illustrated Alchemist:

"'Because I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now.'"

The books a fable to follow your dreams. It's all pretty obvious as you read it, but it's sweet and simple and expouses Buddhist beliefs, which I'm always attracted to.

Everything is a little out of balance for me right now, but the universe keeps throwing things to me to help fix it. This book, while not the Grand Awakening, is a little reminder for me to get my philosophy back; Blythe is sending me the name and number of an acupuncturist that apparently works miracles (she helped her through the anorexia relapse); My overlord boss told me they've put me into Human Resources for the job (it'd be so nice to not stress about money). So after a month or two that the world was breaking me down, I think it heard me cry "Uncle!" and is finally cutting me some slack.

I've been thinking about doing Lent this year. Obviously, this has nothing to do with religion, but I always work best when I'm with a group. I've been thinking either drinking (which would be the obvious choice) or pleasures of the Flesh (an homage to Kristen and me for going to see 40 Days and 40 Nights).

The drinking one would probably be the healthiest thing for me to do, but I wonder what I'd be like if I went 40 days without even masturbating. I like to think it would mean I'd have tantric orgasms when the wind blows. Something about appreciating the sensuality of every moment, as opposed to the ones that we think we need. Which is very Buddhist, just so you know. Plus, in order for me to stick to it, I'd have to cut down on the drinking so my will power stays intact.

I've got a day to think about it. Which means I should get drunk and get laid tonight.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger kss said...

i'm thinking about doing lent this year, too.

both of your ideas sound like good ones.

hmm ill post when i know what i will forgo.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger C said...

I'm leaning more and more to the Pleasures of the Flesh one. I think it's a way to encompass both of those somewhat pervasive habits.


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