Wednesday, June 29, 2005

From the Porn and Chocolate Book Club...

"The only thing worse than being sad is having others know you are sad."

How true.

I am not currently sad, but it is definitely a sentiment I know well.

"You hide your depression so well, Carrie."

Well, I'm an actress.

I like this book. It's called Everything is Illuminated. Give it a look-see if you can.

So much reading. When I'm not reading that, I'm reading very boring medical testimony and trying to summarize it. It's like me trying to summarize The Dead Sea Scrolls. I bet I fuck up the whole case just because I got some terms mixed up or misinterpreted what the fuck it is they're saying.

And then I'll get fired. And then I'll rinse and repeat this whole job-search thing.

Rinse. Repeat. The name of my first album.

Now I just have to learn how to play something. Other than the fool.


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes everything is illuminated is a very engaging book. i laughed i cried and all that biz. his second book grabs you a bit, too, bc its main character is a cute cute nine year old genius boy. did you know they are making a movie out of everything is illuminated? i wont tell you who is playing jonathan, bc the actor is not at all like what i pictured him to be like. for a while i was sure i was going to marry safran foers and bear his children, but it looks like someone else already dashed the first part of my plans. poo. have you read middlesex? it is by the same guy who wrote virgin suicides. it is wonderful, so far... anyway, i recommend it. la la la why am i spending so much time on the computer? im in stockholm! but it is cold and rainy! okay off to a cafe to make eyes with a cute swede.

At 2:30 PM, Blogger C said...

I've heard of Middlesex and seen people carrying it on the subway--if enough people carry it and I like how they look and think our tastes match up, then I pick up the book--that's what I did with this one.

So I'll put that on the list. I kinda wanted to marry him too.


Go get you some Swede (sweet) ass!


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