Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A.D.D. is the new Black...

The air is so thick and heavy you can chew on it.

"Look down that avenue, Carrie, it's raining!"

"No, I'm pretty sure that's just smog."


Something about the heat here is more oppressive than in Texas, though in actual degrees, I'm pretty certain that most of the state has about 10 degrees on New York. Makes me wanna stay home and watch Oprah for some reason. And I haven't watched Oprah in ages.

Just mentioning Oprah made me grow an extra uterus.

I'm re-reading the last Harry Potter so I'm all fresh and ready for the new one.

And I'm hunting cute boys on MySpace. Yup, it's come to that. And it's a more amusing way of passing the day than on LiveJournal. I figure I need to expand my social circle to include, well, anybody that it won't matter if I sleep with.

There's a whole lot of office politics going on (most of it pretty amusing). I don't have time to expound on this, but I'm on call two days in a row this week (Thursday and Friday) so there's a good chance I'll have plenty of time to try to explain the weird and wacky world of Law Firm Interactions. None of it is healthy, mind you, but if I was engaged in healthy behavior and environments, it wouldn't make for a very interesting blog, now, would it?

I'm torn between freezing my ass off inside and my soul melting outside. Bit of a quandry I find myself in, yes, indeedy.

We signed our lease for our new place. Four bedrooms. I am the only girl. Oh, lordy, let the games begin...


At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ladies should go to the virgin islands

BAAAAAAAA!!! hahahhahahaa

At 3:57 PM, Blogger C said...

I hope you're laughing at the implication, not because you actually thought that was funny.

OOO...zing! snap!


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