This makes me laugh because it's dead on
Me and Junebug: A summary:

And the dramatic build:

And a conclusion:

Chuckle, chuckle.
It's all good now, though. Promise. All is well in my world. There is something brewing, but it has nothing (for once) to with me and my romantic woes. Conor and I might be needing to have a little "chat," though.
After concerned emails, I feel the need to point out that the last statement about Conor in NO WAY implies any sort of "involvement" between the two of us. It was more about general Conor misbehavior and I'm sorry for the confusion.
what, what?!?!?!
you and conor, what?!
oh, and, yes - when i showed amy these pictures, i said in a smarmy anthropologist's voice "i think this picture speaks vooooolumes, oh ho ho" when i got to that first one of you and junebug
NO!!! I did not mean to imply anything about me and Conor!
But he was bad. That's all I'll say. And I'm probably going to have to yell at him.
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