Thursday, May 19, 2005

It seems so out of Context...

Perhaps I'm just used to viewing the world in a half-asleep way. Strung out from not enough sleep, sometimes the buildings sway and the pavement becomes the sky.

Today the world is right-side-up. My hands are not shaking. And my eye is no longer infected.

Quite possibly all these reasons contribute to the extremely good mood I found myself in this morning.

Devon and I really have become an old married couple. He's worse, though. I was exhausted yesterday since I was still on my insomnia kick, but the two of us went to bed at 9:30. He hasn't stayed up past 10 since our epic, debaucherous Saturday night.

And you know what? Fuck off, it was fabulous.

And today the weather is lovely. Today is Dirty Thursday and Conor finally doesn't work, so it can be done up proper. Of course, it will be sad without Keleen, but I suppose that leaves more booze and pot for us (not that Keleen would take too much of the pot-she's a one-hit wonder when it comes to that stuff--one hit and you wonder how she's managing to stand up straight).

We also had a Laura Drill last night. But what is a Laura drill, you ask? Well, in accordance with her 95 passive-aggressive Theses, Devon will remove all his hair products from her bathroom when she calls to say she's staying at the apartment (apparently, it disturbs her to see another person's products in "her" bathroom). So, before bed, Devon gathers up all his shit and moves it into our side.

We sleep like little angels. Laura never shows.

Devon was a little grumpy about it. I told him it was just practice for whenever she did decide to show up. Hence, a Laura Drill.

That's all I got today. I was talking to Keleen last Friday about music, and a guy leaned over and said, "If you like all that, you should have one of my CDs." And proceeds to hand me the CD. I just put it in here at work. They're call Hopewell and The Birds of Appetite. I have to say, for just being handed a random CD on the subway, it's really good.

I apparently am becoming an Indie Rock Princess. But there are worse things. I could be the Anal Queen.

I'm out.

[flashes peace sign, blesses the water]

Go forth, little ones.


At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is the most incredible thing ever.

(i'm not calling you fat.)

At 3:19 PM, Blogger C said...

But you're hinting at it, aren't you?

Wanna go see Spring's show and play pool tomorrow night? I suppose I could just call, but I really want another comment posted here.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i do, depending on what time. My sister is having a birthday dinner thing on the upper east side at 7p

At 3:41 PM, Blogger C said...

sounds good. anytime--it's a bar, so chances are, the later we gi the more hoppin' it will be. and apparently, they have free hot dogs too.

dirty thurs?

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dirty thursday
irty thursda
rty thursd
ty thurs
y thur

dirty thursday

At 12:29 PM, Blogger C said...

You CANNOT listen to it yet.


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