Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Worked Hard all my Lifetime...


Another not-quite-so-restful night. I'm struggling to stay awake.

I didn't do anything crazy last night. Just rehearsal and TV watching.

Cliff and I walked from Chloe's place to the subway. We haven't hung out in a while, and I always seem to forget how much fun we have together.

We are sooooo A.D.D. it's ridiculous. I don't think we can ever finish one topic of discussion.

Last night, it was a matter of us talking about serious type matters and then one of us who had lost the attention of the other would break out into "Oh, Lord, wontcha buy me a Mercedes Benz..."

And then we're dancing in the street while singing it.

Wait a minute. Weren't we just talking about something important?

Yes. But now we can't recall such things. Cliff, because he's moved on to other paranoid thoughts and me, because that was a lot of pot ago.

Love that kid. Indeed, I do.

I wrote this two minutes ago to entertain myself. I just want to see how it looks. I'm sure I'll end up deleting it because I hate my poetry, but whatever.

[clears throat]

I exhaled into your skin
Watched my breath curl around your neck
And wondered if it strangled you.
The trail slid across your collarbone
I lay there, enraptured by both occurences
Fascinated by the ebb and flow of your breath
And the invisible trajectory of mine
I wondered if it strangled you.
I almost wished that it did.
It would make the next day easier
To leave no witnesses
To the lowering of my guard.
No one would know I let our breath mingle and dance
To the beat of their own intoxication
As your chest moves in
And moves out
And I exhale into your skin.
I wonder if it strangles you.

El fin. That was inspired by a Charmed rerun that I like. Yay, Charmed!

I'd say pinch me because I'm dreaming, but I'm not asleep. For that, I can only hope.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger kss said...



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