Thursday, August 18, 2005

You are so Fragile and Thin; Standing Trial for Your Sins

I'm constantly exhausted these days.

I just have to make it until Saturday and then I can sleep and sleep and maybe wake up only to eat and masturbate and then I'm gonna sleep some more!

Watch me.

Oh, wait. On the masturbation thing, don't watch me. That's awkward. And you should buy me dinner first.

I have yet to see any of the Boys of Doom at the show. Chris and Spring are coming Saturday. So are Mom and Gary. If I do not see a particular fella who gave me his word, well, I don't know.

I'm setting their place on fire. Or something. Maybe a bag of flaming poop will do the trick.

In the land of deal-breakers, this one is king. It lords over the rest and says "I have asked and you have promised, and if it shall not come to pass, then off with your head!"

Sadly, my own kingdom only consists of the little cubicle I exist in. It's okay. I like to order the stapler around just to feel important.

"Staple, goddamn you!!!"

The show went well last night. I thought I might see said fella, but he was conspicuously absent. All-American and Crazy showed up. Together. Crazy apologized profusely in the bathroom of a bar for her behavior. Why? Because I done hit the nail on the head, baby. She claims that there has been no hooking-up, but I can't tell you if I believe that or not. They seemed quite cozy. But whatever. More power to them. And I was happy they came to the show at all.

I felt off, though. But maybe that's just me. It's always weird when everyone else is all, "That was awesome! We kicked ass!" And I'm like, "Well, I sucked." It just ruins the energy. So I kept my self-criticism to myself and smiled and hugged and "hoozah!"ed with all and stayed out a little later than I should.

I was supposed to be on-call, but it got cancelled. So I think I may have to make this a somewhat early day and get my little exhausted ass to bed at like 8:30. And if you think I'm kidding, well then laddie, you don't know me at all.

I'm the girl yelling at her stapler in the cubicle in the middle.


At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think we have all been that yelling girl with the stapler in the cubicle at some point.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger C said...

Well, that just took away all my authority.


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