Thursday, December 01, 2005

I Almost Forgot

Sharon and I went to go see this.

It was creepy and fascinating. I was hungover and had to sit and rest when it got overwhelming. Because these are real bodies, kids. And I think I've had the idea of where my cervix is all wrong this whole time.



Yesterday was a horrible day. I had no fewer than 3 meltdowns at work, which is embarrassing, because I pride myself on no one seeing me cry (sober, that is).

And I'm trying to explain what's wrong and I can't really place it and none of it sounds like any good reason for ME to be crying. Bad shit is happening around me, to people I love, and I'm on my period and I'm stressed and exhausted and you get to a point where it still doesn't sound justifiable enough.

You want to just make something up to explain it:

"My puppy got eaten by a landshark."

But one of these days I am going to get a puppy and it will be eaten by a landshark and then I'll feel bad that I already used the landshark-eating-puppy excuse to explain away an emotional mood.

Parumph. Parumph, I say!


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps going to see creepy stuff might not be helping your mood.
in any event i'm really looking forward to seeing you soon.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i saw that exhibit in L.A. at first it was cool, and then it got to feel a bit gratuitous as i entered the third floor full of dead people posed as skateboarders and footballers.

At 5:05 PM, Blogger C said...

I saw that exhibit awhile ago (over the holiday weekend). Pre-Heinous-Mood-of-the-Century.

At 12:28 AM, Blogger d said...

You get more sympathy for the second puppy anyway.


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