I Replace You Easily, Replace Pathetically
I came to the odd realization that Death Cab for Cutie songs are really, really depressing. But beautiful. I think it's because his voice seems so pleasant and happy. Sublime tricked me too. Not depressing, but Sublime is very angry. I get tricked by the mood of the song and then I check the lyrics and realize I had been approaching the song or artist all wrong.
But if this song doesn't sum up all my more melancholy feelings currently, well then, nothing can.
Another diet fed by crippling defeat
And i am waiting for that sense of relief
Indeed I am.
And why be afraid of love? Because men feel like this. And I'm sure men I've been with have felt this way about me. And it makes me want to never get involved with Another ever again. I spent so long when I was dancing not even thinking about it. I want to go back to that. Minus my D.C. fling, I could make 2006 not only the Year of the Fabulous, but the Year of the Celibate. I did it for 22 years. One more shouldn't make such a difference.
Or I could take the advice of Lee from Prep:
"There are people we treat wrong, and later, we're prepared to treat other people right. Perhaps this sounds mercenary, but I feel grateful for these trial relationships, and I would like to think it all evens out--surely, unknowingly, I have served as practice for other people...
I'll come to understand much earlier (much earlier, that is, in this imaginary life than in my real life) what dating is--not necessarily the biggest deal. Not obsession or nothing, love or disinterest. There is a middle ground. In the winter, especially, sometimes it's just nice to dress up a little and go out into the night with another person."
The problem is that Lee is 16, and I am 23. So we'll see, won't we?
Won't we?
On a happier note, I went by Neighbors [Neighbors shall ever refer to my two coworkers that also happen to live a block and a half away from me] to watch 24 last night. And now, for your alcoholic enjoyment, the drinking game I have created that you, too can play at home. Now, Neighbor 1 and I did this with Jameson on the rocks; and that, based on one of the rules, turned out to be a dangerous mixture.
With whatever your poison is, take a drink:
--Whenever some kid fucks up the plan [there is always a meddling kid--it's worse than Scooby-Doo, because these meddling kids rarely ever solve anything]
--Whenever there is a double-cross
--Whenever Chloe makes a snide/sarcastic comment (the original rule was unnecessarily snide or sarcastic, but as it turns out, being snide in a life-or-death situation is ALWAYS unnecessary)
--When they play the Philip Glass-inspired "The First Lady is Batshit Insane" music
--Whenever Jack Bauer "doesn't play by the rules"--an extension of this rule is anytime this season where Jack makes reference to "NOT working for CTU" [my guess is that he's doing this all pro-bono? That sucks. He's been in jeapordy 4 times in 5 hours and he's not even going to get paid? I don't move a muscle within the firm without making sure I get paid for it]
That's it. You'd be surprised how much that actually makes you drink. Last night, Chloe went on a monologue-snide-rant where we were basically downing our Jameson's on ice for a minute and then right after was followed up with a double-cross. I wobbled my way home and almost face-planted into my massage mat (still hurting a bit from bellydancing).
Enjoy, boozeheads. I did. The booze helps keep you mellow because otherwise, 24 could be the biggest cause for heart failure on a Monday Night.

Drink up!
OK, so it has nothing to do w/ today's entry but I had to share:
1. I got a raise!
2. I didn't fail out of school- in fact, I got a B- on the final of doom and despair (aka corporations).
So take another sip of that there Jameson's and reflect on how awesome my day has become.
First off--
Congratulations. You rock!
And to those of us who love you, there is an AJT drinking game:
--Take a shot every time she says she failed her class
--Take a shot every time she doesn't
Carry on.
Shit, people always drink when Spencer's around with your rules. That explains a lot.
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