Friday, September 09, 2005

Money: The only Concrete Faith in the World

So, this week was a wash. Maybe next week will be better.

But I sent the boxes off to the people who need them in Houston, and my soul feels a little better about the whole thing, though the more I read about it, the angrier and sadder I get about how the whole disaster thing was handled.

It wasn't good, kids. This should've never happened.

I was chatting with Ashlee last night, and we both seem to be in the same sort of holding pattern.

"I just feel like there's not a single area in my life that I'm satisfied with."

I feel her on that one, I tell ya. Everything blows right now. The only difference is I have a few more friends to shield the blow. But most of them are men, and I've already discussed how I feel about that.

And then we discussed how this whole transition into adulthood thing sucks. It's given us a new perspective on feminism. I would have never previously even considered the possibility of just letting a man support me, but now it seems like SUCH a doable option. A nice, not-beat-me-when-he's-drunk, sugar daddy. Taking care of myself has become such a bother. I wouldn't even have to like him all that much (though I would hope he was, at least, tolerable).

I said to her:

"Yeah, I gave up on true love a long time ago. Money is something concrete I can believe in."

She made me promise that I would title my entry like that. She'll have to settle for part.

Busy weekend already planned. Happy Hour with Dru, maybe Cliff's party in Brooklyn (though I really don't feel like seeing the author of the EMAIL OF DOOM, but I can only hide so long)and on Saturday, I'm hanging with Sharon and seeing a movie and seeing how much of Manhattan we can drunkenly cover.

But we all know about the Best Laid Plans. Especially when I make them. So we'll see how much I stick to this schedule, eh?


At 2:56 PM, Blogger kss said...

this entry makes me sad

post pictures!


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