Friday, December 23, 2005

Your Voice Was a Satellite Spinning Next to Me

Satellite just went down...

Juliet introduced them to me. Wowsie, kids. I like them a lot. Billie and I approve. I pulled all these songs off a mix Juliet had in her car during our Epic Morning Travel the other day. The only problem is, Juliet is so indie that I couldn't find all the songs online that I didn't know. So I put all the ones I couldn't find through lyrics and whatnot under a "band name" called "Juliet Might Know." When I get back from the holidays, I'm going to need to ask her. Though, upon further reflection, I really like as a band name "Juliet Might Know." It'd be really cool if that turns out to be the band's name. And if not, it should be MY band name. You know, once I learn the guitar, gain music composition abilities, etc. etc. It really sucks when you really like the song but you have no idea what context to put it in. Much as my life is mess and chaos, music is the one thing I like to feel in complete control of.

Some of you may know this already, but I'm a bit of a music Task Master.

Yes, yes, I shelled out some money to be able to go online whilst I sit here at La Guardia. I am so sleepy the only thing that sucks me in for long periods of being awake is this stupid computer. So I figured it was a solid investment to ensure that I didn't fall asleep at the gate. Which, not gonna lie, is pretty tempting.

Cuz you know, California Dreamin' on Such a Winter's Day and all.

That's right. Off to visit the sister in San Damn Diego. Mom and Gary shall be joining us as well. I think I'm there for a short enough period that Mom shouldn't be able to drive me to cut myself or anything. Don't get me wrong. I love my mama. But like the rest of us in the family, she's fucking nuts. And a particular brand of crazy that can get under my skin like no other person. I get extremely angry and loud at inanimate objects. It takes a lot for a person to make me so.

The Stupid Transit Strike of '05 messed up any plans I had for Christmas-preparedness. I have bought nothing. I was so stressed getting into work the other day, I missed my dad's birthday. I am the WORST family member in the world. Sheesh.

On the strike front, it has now ended and hopefully, the world will be returning to normal shortly. The worst part about the whole thing (which wasn't too bad in the end for me, I worked from home yesterday and probably got way more done than had I gone into the office) was that they ended the strike, and there's STILL not a contract. So, yeah, they decided to strike and they decided to end that strike without achieving a goddamn thing. Except for seriously inconveniencing 7 million people of the City of New York. Wow. Too bad you can't put that on the fridge. Mom would be sooooooo proud.


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