Saturday, May 28, 2005

Homeward Bound...

I'm going to take my second nap of the day. I forgot how quiet the suburbs are. It's weird to me to sleep without sirens, snores, or screams. It's kinda disturbing and refreshing all the same time.

I had a ridiculous amount of fun on Friday. It started with me acquiring party favors for me and Dru. It was Dru's last day at his temp job, and the completion of my first week of my "real" job, and so there was much to celebrate.

We watched the sun go down from the roof and had a lovely conversation until I became paranoid that feeding Sleazy's cat sparkling water might kill it. Now that really would be a reason to banish my ass. Not to mention, killing a cat can't be good for the karma.

We head to a bar afterwards and order this massive beer bong that he, Junebug, and I got many moon ago. But then we realized no one had attempted to finish said beer bong with only two people. This has the potential to be really dangerous, but we do it anyway. We are swaying at the table, we are swaying in the street...

Dru has to help some idiot girl at the theatre he works at part-time and so we decide to walk to Lincoln Center.

"It'll sober us up."

It only barely did.

Lincoln Center at night is lovely. We hung out at the "reflecting pool" and lamented on how a joint would have completed the package. But, we can't get too greedy and it was waiting for us when we got back to Flatplex.

Ashlee joins us at around 11:30. Immediate infusion of energy and love. We go back to the roof. 1:00 brings Junebug home, who apparently has fallen in love with skateboarding home from work, an activity I find hilarious and adorable. Dru passes out. We stay up. Conor joins at 2:30, and for me, it's a revolving door of love.

Things are fine with Junebug. Maybe because we kept our clothes on. If I didn't have to make a flight, who knows how it would've turned out, but I'm sure everything there will work itself out the way that it needs to. If we do have sex again, there definitely need to be some ground rules about following day procedure. But in the meantime, I was just happy being his friend again.

Wasted beyond belief, we take a cab home at 3:30 so I can pack and get those kids settled into bed (with specific instructions NOT to have sex in our apartment--something that better have been strictly adhered to) and I throw shit into a bag (god knows what) and take a cab to the airport.

I was so messed up and so tired from staying up, it alleviated all my fears of flying. So this may have to be some kind of flying ritual. I sat down in my seat, and when I woke up, I was in Houston.

The animals remembered me. Cooper came up and nuzzled my nose while Chloe whined and licked my hand. Can O'Beans just sat perched above it all, not giving a shit. Wow, he really is Amy's cat.

I take a fabulous bath. Mom gives me a massage. I pass out for a few hours with Bean curled around me. See, he really does care. But only if you are unconscious.

I'm really relaxed and very happy. I love being home, and I love the idea of going back to my life in New York. Things make sense again.


At 12:13 PM, Blogger C said...

It was really good. I'm really ticklish and it made her kinda mad. She thinks I'm not really ticklish, but it has to do with my intimacy issues.

Maybe she's right. But I am very ticklish.


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