Thursday, May 26, 2005

She hopes this Lasts Forever...

I think it's funny Brazos reads this. I actually am never aware anyone does until they comment in it. So welcome, try the veal.

Yesterday was insane, and I left my phone behind. And it was a sober move, which is funny since my phone is the only thing I haven't lost while drunk. I was always so morally opposed to having a cell phone, and now without it, I feel like I'm missing a limb or something. What a difference a year makes, eh?

Devon left for Texas today. I was like, "Woo Hoo! I can masturbate ALL THE TIME!"

Then Devon told me Magical Mystery Roommate has a friend coming in today and so she'll actually be there. With a friend. I'm trying to be good, Lord, and not fuck guys who hate me, but you're gonna take away my masturbation rights, too?

You say, "Well, they'll be in the other room."

Yeah, but my vibrator's been on the fritz lately, and now when I turn it on, it sounds like a jackhammer (just how I like it--not really). I practically have to make sure the entire apartment building is cleared out before I can turn it on. With the exception of the upstairs neighbors, who fuck very loudly and very often. Devon and I actually mute the TV and listen to it like it's Cinemax. So I don't care if they hear me. You know, karma and all.

Eep. Just got the word--time for the tedious stuff, which will keep me away from my computer all day. Have a pleasant one, kids.


At 1:56 PM, Blogger C said...

Umm...yeah. Veal and baby seals. If I ever start another blog, I think that's what I'll call it.

At 3:10 PM, Blogger kss said...

veal and baby seals
sows and baby cow
things ill never eat
no way [clap] no how

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once i ate sausage made from both veal and adult seal. Never baby seal, though. There were other meats in it too. It was absurdly priced, and i've had trouble finding it again, though i would eat it in a heartbeat because of how delicious it was. Life is too short to avoid things like that.


At 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dt t?

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know whose lives are also too short for things like that? VEALS' AND BABY SEALS'
[turns, steps off soapbox, exits]


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