Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Going Back To Cali....

Part 1: She Thinks She Missed the Train to Mars

I usually wake up and look at Swetus and my little heart smiles. I then actually smile because I'm consistently amazed at the strange pretzel-like contortions we manage to find ourselves in throughout the course of a night. I wish I could think of an image that is cooler or sexier, but the only image that comes to mind is of two ferrets burrowing. Only less hairy, thank God.

Anyhoo, I woke up the morning of my flight to San Diego and didn't smile. In fact, I woke up with a gasp. I had quite the nasty nightmare about my flight. The plane started wiggling like a noodle and then nose-dived into the ground. Now, it's disconcerting to say the least, but then right at the moment Swetus was trying to comfort me, my actual alarm went off and I had to leave for the airport right then.

But it wasn't even the plane crash itself in the dream that fucked me up. It was the fact that my dad was in the dream and as we were nose-diving, he gave me this looks that was like, "We're screwed." I have an odd relationship with my father, but he is nothing if not the Consummate Traveler. The only times I'm not freaked out on a plane is when I'm traveling with him. He just does it so much, it's actually a bit of a comfort. The wing could fall off the plane and I could look to him and he could casually say, "Not a problem. This happened to me once on a flight to Singapore." And I'd be totally cool with that. The fact that I saw HIM freaked out in my dream, on top of the dream happening right before I left, and also that one leg of my journey would actually be on a flight with my father--well, it basically fucked my shit up. I was crying as Swetus tried to calm me.

"You have more of a chance of dying on the way to the airport than on the plane."

Um, NOT helping, Swetus. Wrong answer. Also, I fucking hate when people who don't mind to fly throw the driving statistics in my face. Clearly, I am cognizant of the fact that driving is more dangerous. Bad things are more likely to happen there because we all do it more often. The odds are higher. But shut it. I'm scared, is all. And I know the logistics, but try telling that to my panic attack. Those stupid things never listen to reason.

I wasn't always like this about flying. I blame two things, really. The first is 9/11, and I hate having to cite it as a reason, probably because the image of 9/11 has become so bastardized and politicized, I feel you can't mention it without having an agenda attached to the back of it. But it's true. Watching the planes hit the towers and thinking about all those poor people, on the planes, in the buildings, all out of their control thanks to hatred. I think of all those helpless people, and the control freak in me breaks more on top of my heart which was already breaking as the day unfolded. I've looked at planes very wearily since then. It shook me as it shook everyone, but I'm not trying to sell anything. Though you should totally buy my book Why You Should be Constantly Scared into Voting Republican--thanks to Penguin books--keep an eye out!

The other reason is the movie Final Destination. Yes, I am dead serious. 9/11 and a teen horror flick. My mind is a scary place to navigate. But here's my deal--the movie is crappy, yet I absolutely adore it. Like, to an insane degree. The plane crash sequence in the beginning is actually quite awesome, and then I find a sick satisfaction of the awkward death scenes throughout. For those of you unfortunate enough to have never experienced the glory that is Final Destination, it's basically this: A dude on a school trip to Paris has a dream about the plane crashing, freaks out and gets off the plane, thereby escaping his actual death when the plane blows up exactly as it had in his dream. [Not related to my fears, but then Death gets all pissed and goes after the people who got off the plane, one ridiculous and gory death at a time] There is many a plothole to mock in it, but it does raise the question: Is there a way to avoid/forsee your fate? And so much of my panic with flying happens before the flight takes place. Because I feel once I am fully up in the air, well then, I'm in it to win it. I'm either going down in a fiery crash or not. But as long as I have the option to get off the plane and avoid said fiery death, I will be freaked out that I'm not heeding some cosmic warning.

My boy acquired me some Xanax to ease this transition. And I had to wake up very, very early so actually upon sitting down in my little airplane seat, I passed the fuck out. And only woke up in the middle of takeoff.


Fucking XTREME turbulence. Holy shit, I was right. Great. Just great. I would die when I finally have a lovely man in my life and my sister's graduating law school, which has been her ambition since, oh I don't know, she first opened up her damn mouth! Stupid Fate, you little bitch.

And here's the funny thing about the Xanax. It gave me a humorous perspective on the matter. I had been crying and freaking out up until it kicked in and then I only woke up because I was convinced I was going to die, just like I thought. And then I just took a moment to ponder how many prophets wound up like this--you know, starting their careers off by predicting their untimely deaths and therefore, the world being robbed of their great talent. I bet if Nostradamus had to get on a few planes, we wouldn't be digging through his crappy poetry trying to find the Anti-Christ today. And then I was a little proud that I was right, even if this was the beginning and end of my prophecy career.

But clearly if I'm writing this, I didn't in fact die, I'm not a great prophet, and I still become an Evil Leprechaun when I'm drunk. Abby met me at the airport, I gave her a huge hug, and then we were off to get pedicures!

Thus ends Part 1--technically, none of this but the last the last sentence actually took place in California, but I felt it was the proper way to start my Tales of the Trip.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Well, Should've Seen That Coming.

I have many an epic tale to tell about my trip to San Diego. But everything ended well and I now have a sister who is a lawyer (though a few minutes more and she would have missed it--don't worry, I'll get to it).

But in typical me fashion, I got WASTED at a Memorial Day BBQ and have only about 2 brain cells left today. Swetus is just earning gold stars right and left, and we have decided that I am an evil leprechaun when I'm like that.

Here's a little example, courtesy of a friend's cell camera:

Look everyone, Dru's back! And he's carrying me around! And before you freak out, it was really fucking hot yesterday and in the apartment, so that is a bikini top that I am wearing. I am not naked. Though I might've been, if I had any say in the matter. Luckily, Swetus does a pretty good job of wrangling the Evil Drunken Leprechaun.

Also, I am the palest girl in all the world.

Also, is that cellulite? On my ARM?!?!

I need a nap.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My Ode to Keifer Sutherland/Jack Bauer

The Season Finale was so awesome. I might have crushed Swetus' hand in the process. Don't worry, Spencer, I won't give anything away.

But Cityrag found all these great links to Kiefer/Jack type stuff. The thing I love most about Jack Bauer is that he is the most together individual in the world. There's nothing he can't do. He can get out of any situation. He's a far more lethal MacGuyver (I mean, he's killed 4 people with his THIGHS, people. Come on!). And Keifer Sutherland is the most fucked up, amazing and amusingly adorable drunk in the world. It's like two sides of a coin, or Dr. Badass and Mr. Drunk.


Things Jack Bauer wouldn't say (College Humor)

Keifer Sutherland teaches a Christmas Tree a Lesson (Defamer)

Jack Bauer Kill Count (This one I found and I love it because it tells you how he did it, too--when am I ever going to get the chance to kill a man with a Bic pen???)

Keifer Sutherland's Burlesque Ambition (Amy's Robot)

WWJBD? [What Would Jack Bauer Do?] (Top 100 Facts)

That should entertain everyone. Everyone wins when Jack Bauer is on the case, and you head out for a drink with Keifer Sutherland.


Well, I'll be away for the rest of the week. My sister is graduating law school and I'm heading out to San Diego, so I plan on only doing the following:

--cheering for her
--sitting on a beach
--possibly self-medicating cuz the whole fam's gonna be there. There is always the possibility of bloodshed.

Much love and Happy Memorial Day folks! And what better way to celebrate than NOT being able to remember what you did? It's all about Drunken Plausible Deniability.


Jack Bauer's Friendster Profile (McSweeneys)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Since I already Told a Few the Story, Here's a Play

I'm calling it

Carrie and Swetus: Laid Back People Trying to Fight [A Memoir, if by Memoir you mean IM Conversation]

A Play in One Convesation


Carrie-- 24 Year Old Girl, Loves her boyfriend and partying, but after a long weekend, just wanted to watch the Charmed series finale and pass out for a long Monday at work

Swetus--19 Year old Swede, boyfriend to Carrie, who left at 6pm for a kickball game in Williamsburg with intentions of returning to Carrie afterwards, but went missing until 2am, when he returned, booze-filled and unaware of the vital mistake he made in not calling

[The Scene: A chatroom that no one uses because it's lame, but the only thing that Carrie can download on her computer at work. After a snuggle-or-sex-free night, and a bit of a chilly reception from Carrie in the morning but talking out a few things, this is the conversation that follows]

Swetus: Hello my friendly girlfriend! The prettiest girl in the world!
Carrie: hello
Swetus: how're things?
Carrie: sleepy
Carrie: but ok
Carrie: just got off the phone with sharon
Swetus: Oh?
Carrie: yeah
Carrie: she's getting stressed
Swetus: I imagine..
Carrie:did you puke?
Swetus: Nope!
Swetus: Managed not to.
Swetus: Although I slept until 1.
Carrie: figured as much
Carrie: i may nap in a bit
Carrie: but i actually have work to do
Carrie: which sucks
Swetus: :(
Carrie: yup
Carrie: poop
Swetus: Oh, those Mondays.
Carrie: especially when your boyfriend keeps having rowdy sundays
Swetus: Hah, yeah, I'm sorry.
Swetus: Hopefully you won't have to be so concerned when I get a key.
Carrie: then it won't be a problem
Carrie: though it's more about not letting me know around what time you would be back
Swetus: Right, well, honestly I didn't really know myself.
Carrie: yes but here's my rule
Carrie: if you think it's gonna be past midnight, let me know--or at least that it's going to be late
Swetus: Right.
Carrie: if i had known kickball would last until 2am i would have suggested you stay at your place last night
Carrie: because it's not like we got any quality time anyway
Swetus: Yeah, and I didn't really thing the subway ride back would take so long.
Carrie: late night
Carrie: always will
Swetus: Mmh.
Carrie: metron packs it in at midnight
Swetus: And I'm a better man for knowing it now.
Swetus: hah
Carrie: mmmmhmmm
Carrie: but you recognize how it's inconsiderate, right?
Swetus: i do.
Carrie: ok
Carrie: then we're ok
Carrie: cuz you apologized for being late and i was like "that's not the point!"
Swetus: Mmh.
Carrie: [though certainly a factor of my grumpiness level]
Carrie: wordy word then
Carrie: enough of that
Swetus: Quite.
Swetus: So you think it's going to be a late one today?
Carrie: don't know
Carrie:2 hour jack bauer power hour needs to happen
Swetus: Hm.
Swetus: Right!
Carrie: so i hope i'm done by 7:30
Carrie: i'll be at neighbors
Carrie: i need to pack
Swetus: Pack?
Swetus: Ooh.
Swetus: Right.
Carrie: yeah. cuz i have bellydancing tomorrow night and i need to stay at your place.
Swetus: I'm probabably going to go jogging with mike but I'll DEFINITELY be home for 24.
Carrie: jogging on a hangover? punishing yourself?
Swetus: Eh, hangovers' pretty much gone now, but yeah I have to decimate my filthy body.
Carrie: i have a whip for that
Swetus: Baby you can't make me hard like that at the office.
Swetus: Oh geez
Carrie: also, i read a story where these high school kids got edited out of a group photo because they were all doing "the shocker"
Swetus: Hahaha, yeah, I think I've heard of that.
Carrie: and school officials were horrified when they found out what it meant
Carrie: and then all went home to try it on their wives that night
Carrie: [though that part's only implied in the article]
Swetus: :)
Swetus: That's the Carrie Spin.
Carrie: yeah, i live in the "spin til ya puke zone"
Swetus: Bill O'reilly can't touch dis!
Carrie: hootie hoo
Swetus: I'm going to go nanodrop some stuff, hun.
Carrie: k
Carrie: nano away
Swetus: Love you!
Carrie: love you too.

Swift resolution to a slightly unpleasant occurence. But I just needed him to see he was poopy and I'm amazing, and we're all good.



Saturday, May 20, 2006

Clarification/Not to Confuse Anyone

I am fine. I am healthy and happy and my boy is wonderful to me.

Just eventually, my cloud of love has to dissipate a bit and then I have to return to issues at hand.

I am thinking a lot about war and violence lately, and it makes me sad. It confuses me. I do not understand it. I'll expound later, because it involves a political rant I must attempt. And Swetus isn't going to fuck himself. Well, I mean, I imagine he could, but it's a waste of resources when I'm right here and he's stroking my thigh while turning his head away like a gentleman because he knows he's not allowed to read this.

And I actually trust that he doesn't.


Duty calls! Good thing I ate my Wheaties! [if by Wheaties, you mean Honey Bunches Of Oats]

Thursday, May 18, 2006

That Stupid Bet Rears its Ugly Head

It just takes one comment and then I'm down the Shame Spiral all over again.

Sad. Angry. Hurt. RAGE. SHAME.

MORE Law and Order?

The funniest part about this post is the fact that Spencer might see it, and he slept through the whole damn thing.


Holy crap, there was a "maybe shooting" in my apartment building last night. We have the realty company under us and they once pulled this prank and it sounded like gunshots. We were freaked out at the time because we didn't know that, and I had ordered some pizza and here I thought someone shot my pizza guy. Which is not only sad because I'd lose my pizza, but I know those guys (we eat a lot of pizza), and NOT FAIR.

Well, it happened again last night, but I was freaked out anyway because all the boys had gone to bed and I had only one contact in (infection) and there was a lot of screaming this time, and maybe it WAS a real shooting. I mean there was yelling last time, but maybe I was in a state to be more paranoid, so I just pretended it wasn't going on. And I certainly wasn't going to go investigate all by my wee lonesome.

Then our buzzer goes. I don't care if this was a joke or not, I hear something that sounds like gunshots, and I'm not letting ANYONE in, I don't care. Nope. But they keep buzzing. Then nothing. I am starting to freak out. Then there's knocking. At this point, it's the first time I realized WE DON'T HAVE A PEEPHOLE. Well, shit. I'm not getting that. More knocking. Finally, Devon wakes up and comes out. Together we open the door, and we are face-to-face with two cops. They were like the detectives on Law in Order--in plainclothes with the badges around their neck. And I've seen enough Law and Order to know NEVER let cops into your apartment. One of the cops even HAD HIS GUN DRAWN. Eeep. They were peeking their heads in trying to suss out our apartment (luckily we just cleaned) But they were asking how many people in the apartment, what time I heard the gunshots and I actually based my answer on how through South Park I was. They said no one from the company was on the second floor so I suggested they try the first floor because the company is there as well. So they left and went looking for someone who knew what the noise was, and we never heard from them again. I pretty much freaked out and couldn't sleep until 3am.

And the management company was all deserted this morning when I left to come here, and that's not usually the case.

I think we should get a discount on our rent.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Rainy Days and Tuesdays...

I have something more substantial coming, but in the meantime
Oh my god. So cute.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Special Victims Unit

But first, more cuteness of me and my boy:

I'm all ooey gooey with love. I'm a walking Hallmark commercial. It's okay, though. As Abby pointed out to me, unlike some people who will kiss someone once and think they're The One, I fight love as much as I can--seek it out in the wrong places, never admit to it, push people if I'm this willing to be this in love, it must be time for me. And he's lovely.

The other night we were sitting around, watching Law and Order: SVU (of course), and a thought occurred to me. They were trying to lure this online sexual predator by posing as a young boy or whatnot, and I thought:

Hm. I could totally do that.

Can you volunteer your services to the police force for that? Because I'm often mistaken for 16 or so, and creepy guys message me all the time online. I bet I could post a profile of my pictures and say I'm underage and I could lure creepy guys and then turn their asses in. Nothing would please me more than busting these nasty old men who want to take advantage of some poor young thing.

Swetus doesn't think I'm being serious. But I kinda am. I kinda want to look into it. Making a difference in the world, one pervert at a time.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Förälskelse är i lufta

Keep your man close and your beer closer.

This weekend, I got emotional and tried to hide my crying by doing it silently. But he knew and he kissed my tears as they fell down my cheeks. With each one, he said

"Oh, my beautiful Carrie with her big heart...I love you...I can't bear to see you cry...I love you..."

I find solace in the nape of his neck.

I look him in the eye and say

"Jag älskar dig"

And I'm scared shitless because I meant it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm Anti-Virgin

This guy made a website and this girl promised that if he got 5 million hits on the website, she would sleep with him, thus ending his seemingly terminal virginity.

In an effort to be charitable, I'm doing my best and posting on all my blogs.

Let's get this guy laid.

Have a good weekend, folks. Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Monday, May 01, 2006

Maybe I'm Amazed at the Way You Love Me all the Time

Pulling the title from this song. It was playing in a pizza shop we stopped in on our way to the park on Saturday and it has been stuck in my head ever since. Like, hasn't gotten out of it. Sharon and Jeremy will be horrified, but I'm not a big fan of the song and I don't know all the lyrics and melody, so it's basically just that line that keeps repeating in my head. It could get ugly. Time to put in Spring and Chris' Spoon album. Stat.


You really have to hand it to New York in the springtime. There really isn't a better place to be in the world.

The little things that can seem disturbing in the winter become quaint and endearing features of the intricate tapestry that is New York in spring. It's amazing what a little sunlight and green foliage can do for the spirit. And as a frame for all the odd pictures that you see while walking the streets here.

--A sock in the middle of the sidewalk. Just one--black

--A donut shop right next to the gym. That one should be located right next to a store for people who waste their money.

--A homeless guy with a sign that said "DICK CHENEY SHOT ME. PLEASE HELP."

Utter brilliance. Life in New York is a Comedy of Errors, just in springtime, you finally feel let in on the joke.

I babysat all day Sunday. I'm always amazed that this family seems to call JUST when I feel the need to take it easy and be a dorky kid. Having to babysit early and all day ensured that I'd try to take it easy as far as partying goes. Which I did and didn't. For while I didn't get wasted on Saturday, Swetus and I ended up staying up all night quite literally. Then spending the day with an energetic and loquacious 8 year old, which while lovely and therapeutic, pooped me out like nothing else. When my head hit the pillow Sunday night, I'm pretty sure it didn't move until I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. But I think I still left my brain behind on my pillow. Oh well. It's Monday. Nobody uses their brain on a Monday, anyway.

Drama exploded a bit around me, though I am not directly involved. For once. I certainly don't wish drama on others, but it is refreshing for things to finally be really calm in my life. The weather is beautiful. I'm gaining responsibilities at work and I think I'm doing it pretty well. I'm looking forward to bellydancing this week like nothing else. I realize that with my tax return and my year bonus at work, ICELAND 2007 is a go! [to explain, Sharon and I are going to do a Iceland trip--a quick one--to try to check out the Northern Lights. And to channel the spirit of Bjork--she's not dead you say. I say pish posh. She's weird enough that I think she crosses multiple planes of existence]

I stayed over at Swetus' on Sunday night because he lives just down the street from the family I babysit for. I bring us two big beers. He got me something, too.

"I was in Barnes and Noble and I saw this and had to get it for you."

What was it?

Awww, perfect. And then I look on the inside cover and he's written me a limerick. HA. The boy really does know me well. Nothing like topping off a day with an innocent child watching Ice Age: The Meltdown (highly recommended) and riding bikes in Central Park than with a limerick about pill popping inside the book jacket of a forensic psychiatrist's book.

I'm not going to post the limerick. We both think it's terrible, but it's the thought that counts. But he wins points for drawing on the author's headshot in the back, turning Helen Morrison, M.D. into Captain Yellowtooth, the pirate. Eye patch and all. Vunderbag.

And if you haven't seen it, here is the link to Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. That man has quite the set of balls on him, making fun of Bush's approval rating 10 FEET FROM HIM! Remarkable. I send the link to the main page, so that any of you who don't have video on your computers, you can read the entire transcript there. It's one for the ages, people. Promise. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the best shot for our country's future, I'm convinced.