More Pics of Pretty Ladies...

I LOVE this picture of Kristen. LOVE IT.

This one of me frightens me a little.

Kristen's really good at taking pictures that make her look like a rock star.

I'm in the tail end of a panic attack here (I'll try to find time to expound on that), but like a true narcissus, it helped calm me to focus on taking a picture.
Nice, eh?
I totally forgot to add this one picture. Abby wanted a sense of how red my hair is and I think this is a good example.

It's that red. Also, I'm getting a henna tattoo in this picture. It's slightly off-center and it bugs me but the design is pretty. And nothing says Brazil Day quite like henna, which I don't think is particularly Brazilian. But I don't know. Read for yourselves.
It also should be noted that there is one of my famous Vitamin Waters right in my purse. And there's one sitting right next to me at my desk right now. So predictable. Oh well. Could be worse. Could be crack. So I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I happen to like ginseng instead.
Happy Tuesday, I guess. I have my annual exam, where I get to find out how badly I've wrecked my body in just one short year. One short year, one long debaucherous run of it.
OOh, hey, that's the Ferris Wheel, right? The big giant Ferris Wheel? I love Coney Island :)
Totally the Ferris Wheel. I had no idea the swinging car would swing SO much.
Yeah, we got on the swinging car, too... You really kinda do think you're going to swing right off the track and onto the people waiting in line for the Cyclone...
Kristen is a hottie!
1) Sharon--yeah, the swinging was a little intense, since I was still a little panicky. It's the only reason I avoided the Cyclone, which sucks, because I LOVE roller coasters, but not at the expense of my sanity.
2)Marina--Yes, Kristen is a total hottie. Which I only seem to be just realizing, since I've known her since I was 6 and I am NO pedophile, thank you. But yeah, she's hot. And I'm not just writing that cuz she'll see it.
--one more thing: what am I, chopped liver?
oh i KNEW it was going to go there
my red headed fiend
you are not chopped liver
you are a stunner.
(especially with the new colour! i like!)
back to the task at hand: the week of ANNUAL EXAMS! whoo hoo - can't wait for mine on Friday!
Nothing says Happy Beginning of Fall like a good cervical scraping, I tell ya.
Avoid the Cyclone. They no longer make roller coasters out of wood FOR A REASON. And, as I learned on the 4th of July, that reason is the apparent massive head trauma and kidney damage that rickety old wooden roller coasters inflict!
hey! thanks!
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