I'm in a State (Of the Union) Year 2
So I always like to write during the State of the Union because when I yell, it annoys Devon. Last year I wrote a poem--this year I had an AIM chat with Marina:
[Marina]: state of the fucking union
[Marina]: woooo
ikanread: [commence yelling at tv]
[Marina]: i heart you
ikanread: i heart you too
[Marina]: hahaha
[Marina]: thats funny
ikanread: "Every time the president smiles or chuckles when he's talking about something scary and awful, like giant battlegrounds and forces of evil, smile and chuckle along with him — Haw haw haw! — then kick your dog"
ikanread: brilliant
[Marina]: hahahahahaha
[Marina]: thank you so much
ikanread: i do what i can
ikanread: ihatehimihatehimihatehimihatehim
[Marina]: WIRE TAPS!!!
ikanread: i love how he's implying "isolationism"="not wanting to be in a warzone on every continent pissing people off"
[Marina]: im wathcing cnn
[Marina]: yeah
[Marina]: what the FUCK
[Marina]: TIERNY
[Marina]: haha
ikanread: DRINK!!!
ikanread: 9/11 reference #1
[Marina]: im not allowed to drink yet
[Marina]: but hells yeah!!!
[Marina]: im with you
[Marina]: i dont need to drink anyways
ikanread: i'll drink for you
[Marina]: DO IT
ikanread: fair enough
ikanread: "act boldly in freedom's cause"--how 'bout freedom from being blown up by american bombs, or insurgents bombs, or just fucking bombs in general
ikanread: sorry. devon doesn't like it when i yell at the tv so i'm yelling to you on im
[Marina]: i love it
[Marina]: ooooh bin ladin
ikanread: trrrrrists--i think he's playing the drinking game, too!
ikanread: mass murder--no more mass destruction?
ikanread: "terrorists chose the weapon of fear"--umm, HELLO, they're TERRORists
ikanread: sort of part of the gig
[Marina]: stepping back a moment - how FUCKED UP is our country when the State of the Union beomces a popular college age drinking game
ikanread: eh. whatever gets the youngsters involved
ikanread: and it's the only way i won't smash the tv
[Marina]: eeeevil
ikanread: "there is no honor in retreat"--um, that's the biggest pile of bullshit i've ever heard--remember vietnam, bitch? you think we should've kept fighting that one?
ikanread: oh. right
ikanread: YOU never fought there
ikanread: YOU never fought a goddamn day in your life
ikanread: YOU did coke off a stripper's ass and had daddy pay for your yale "d"
[Marina]: no honor in retreat = julius caesar
[Marina]: yeah that retreat line - not cool
[Marina]: oooh
[Marina]: marginalized
[Marina]: big word
ikanread: like the minorities of our country?
[Marina]: learned that at yale
[Marina]: oh man
ikanread: "our coalition"--what, did we pull another unit from liechtenstein?
[Marina]: um
[Marina]: state of OUR union?
[Marina]: not iraq's
[Marina]: right??
[Marina]: here comes the fun stuff
ikanread: right...politicians only represent the people WHO SEND THEIR FUCKING KIDS OFF TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR THIS WAR I THINK THEY SHOULD HAVE A SAY IN IT
ikanread: --just me, apparently
[Marina]: nope
[Marina]: but we aint the repubs in the maj
[Marina]: that sounds dirrrrty
ikanread: totally. you're a political nasty ho
ikanread: dude--john kerry is TOTALLY getting out his laser pointer to put a dot on bush's forehead
[Marina]: YES
ikanread: courage without wisdom is foolishness
ikanread: there is nothing heroic about missing the bigger picture
ikanread: "that which is worth protecting"--like civil liberties? like my own goddamn right to choose when i'm ready to have a family?
ikanread: why the fuck aren't we protecting that?
[Marina]: or
[Marina]: to have my wires tapped?
[Marina]: dark vision
ikanread: DARK-SIDED
ikanread: !
[Marina]: those two goons in the background make me alugh
ikanread: dude on the right is totally a turtle
ikanread: no. a frog
ikanread: and the vp is the penguin
[Marina]: hahaha
ikanread: NUCLEAR!!!! god, why do i even bother?!!?
ikanread: 6 years as president and NOBODY could coach him?
ikanread: i grew up in texas, he grew up in connecticut, and I SAY IT RIGHT
[Marina]: oooh direct stare
ikanread: so if you want to date me press #547
ikanread: that's what that look told me
[Marina]: ha
[Marina]: why does he just want to laugh???
[Marina]: thats so weird to me
ikanread: he's so proud he has gotten away with it this long
[Marina]: we are FUCKED
ikanread: do not clap!!! what the hell is wrong with them?!
ikanread: 9/11 #2--DRINK!
[Marina]: here comes the wire taps
ikanread: "here comes the wire taps: a memoir"
[Marina]: hahaha
[Marina]: haha
[Marina]: drink
ikanread: wake up! we have no friends and allies! we have people who are scared of losing our business and people who hate us but fear us and people who just fucking hate us
[Marina]: that is so true
ikanread: umm--we have a massive defecit--where is the tax cut coming from again?
[Marina]: so confused
ikanread: --there goes the national endowment for the arts
[Marina]: FUCK
ikanread: oh shut up! don't crack jokes!
ikanread: this isn't your brother's wedding, it's the state of the union, asshole
[Marina]: its like england
[Marina]: with the boos and yays
ikanread: commence pudding-throwing!
[Marina]: gosh
ikanread: "orderly, secure borders"--quick someone call walker, texas ranger!
[Marina]: chuck norris to the rescue
ikanread: why haven't i thought of this before?
[Marina]: totally
[Marina]: rage on
ikanread: "we are providing health care for the poor and the ederly"--yeah, right--where is that again?
[Marina]: soup kitchens carrie
[Marina]: duh
ikanread: oh, NOW he's anti-oil?
[Marina]: yeah
[Marina]: now he doesnt haveto get elected
[Marina]: grr
ikanread: we won't be dependant of foreign oil--because we'll have destroyed the middle east by that point?
[Marina]: yeah
[Marina]: or they will have destroyed us
ikanread: "math and science"--fuck the arts
ikanread: goodbye to the nea, part II
[Marina]: zing
[Marina]: i dont understand what the initiative really is
ikanread: not anything i've read
ikanread: conchus=conscience
ikanread: ...gay marriage...activist judges...drink!
ikanread: [me]
[Marina]: so gross
ikanread: why did you have to retire sandra?!?!?! you couldn't wait 2 YEARS?!
[Marina]: i know
[Marina]: i bet it pained her
[Marina]: but her husband wont live 2 more years
ikanread: did she have to take my uterus with her, though?
[Marina]: i know
[Marina]: mine too
[Marina]: that hurt
ikanread: i feel like i need to get an abortion soon since i might lose the right to do so--is THAT WHAT YOU WANT, CONSERVATIVES?!!?
ikanread: i never needed one when i had the option!
[Marina]: hahahahaa
ikanread: "end the stigma of aids"--it's the right wing of your fucking party that puts a stigma on it in the first place!
[Marina]: but NO CONDOMS to schools
[Marina]: and no sex education
ikanread: and teach only abstinence
ikanread: because that will stop people from having sex
ikanread: it's only been proven wrong IN THE WHOLE HISTORY OF TIME
ikanread: oh my god--it's done--i feel like i've had really disappointing sex
[Marina]: ugh